Governance of Park Lane International School
At Park Lane we have a strategic and practical approach to governance, which provides opportunities for parents, staff and pupils to play a purposeful and collective role in the school’s development.
The governance of Park Lane International School is based on the following committee structure. Committees 1-5 support the Park Lane Governing Board and influence its decisions.
The Park Lane Governing Board holds 4-5 formal meetings per school year, i.e. usually once per half-term, while each of the five supporting committees meets on a termly basis.
We believe our governance structure is commensurate with the needs and aspirations of our young school and provides sufficient scope for the support, challenge and oversight, and advisory aspects of governance, which are deemed necessary for excellence in governance.
The Park Lane Governing Board (PLGB)
The PLGB consists of the Board of Directors, the two heads of school, including the Principal, and the Operations Executive. The PLGB is fully accountable to affiliated educational bodies and local authorities on all matters of compliance.
Current PLGB members
Jan Bébr (Chair), Member of Board of Directors
Radek Janata, Member of Board of Directors
Paul Ingarfield, Principal & Head of Secondary
Joe Eyles, Head of Primary and EYFS
Karolina Schreiberová, Operations Executive
Clerk to the Governors, Jana Řídelová, may be contacted via:, tel. +420 604 573 619, Valdštejnská 151/6a, 118 00 Prague 1
Advisory committees supporting the Park Lane Governing Board
Each of the five advisory committees includes parent and staff representatives. Members are selected and/or nominated according to their roles in school - in the case of staff - or their levels of expertise, experience and capacity to actively support the school’s aims, mission and development plans - in the case of parents.