The Class of 2020’s university destinations
We would like to congratulate our class of 2020 on their outstanding IB Diploma results and sincerely hope they will continue to thrive and prosper at university and beyond.
Here are some samples of our 2020 graduates‘s university destinations:
Imperial College London (Chemical Engineering), University College London (Law), King’s College London (Neuroscience and Psychology), Yale University (Economics), University of Sussex (Psychology with Business), University of Groningen - Netherlands (Business and Economics), University of Wales – Aberystwyth (Strategy, Intelligence and Security), University of Glasgow (Law), University of Aberdeen (Neuroscience and Psychology), University of Kent (Biomedical Sciences) & MET Film School Berlin (Filmmaking and Cinematography).
Among those staying in Prague, one of our graduates has been accepted to the 3rd faculty of Medicine at Charles University.
We wish our 2020 alumni continued success as they begin their new adventures!