Cooperation with parents

Building an effective parent teacher partnership is amongst our highest priorities at Park Lane. We actively encourage parents and carers to become involved in many aspects of our school life. This greatly benefits our children as it enables us to get to know you and your family better and therefore eases the transition between home and school life.

We understand and value the involvement of parents as partners in the learning and development of their children. Communication is vital to this partnership. Teachers and parents often have time to talk with each other on a regular basis at drop-off or pick-up times, but we also provide a full report on each child's progress and private teacher/parent consultation meetings twice per year.

In addition, parents are often invited and warmly welcome to attend and participate in many of our special events and celebrations. Up-to-date information is provided via our virtual learning environment and on our school notice boards.



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Starting date

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First Name

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Last Name

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Date of Birth

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Birth ID

Passport ID

Health Insurance


At School my child will be called

Spoken languages

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Health Information

Please specify all health informations or medical conditions (allergies, injuries, illnes etc.) which could be
important to us:

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News, views & events



  • Nessie English Preschool
  • Nad Bertramkou 10, 150 00 Praha 5 - Smíchov
  • IČO 275 68 628
