October Book fair
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that the beginning of this school year has been going well for everyone. After a summer break of having fun it is now time to get back to school and our routines. It’s the perfect time to look for some new books to encourage your children to get back into the habit of reading. Scholastic book fair is here just in time to give you the opportunity to replenish your book shelves and add some exciting new titles to encourage your children to pick up a book and be taken on an adventure.
I have sent home a Scholastic leaflet which you can browse through to get an idea the wide array of books Scholastic has to offer. The leaflets have only a small sample of all of the wonderful books you can order through Scholastic. In order to see the full selection, you can look online at http://eu-schools.scholastic.co.uk/park-lane-int. The first leaflet which has been sent home is valid from now to October 27th.
In order to streamline the process and prevent mishaps we have chosen to have all orders placed online and will not be accepting the printed out order form that comes enclosed in the leaflet. When you go to this website http://eu-schools.scholastic.co.uk/park-lane-int you can order and pay directly online.
If you have already ordered from Scholastic in the past, your username should be saved and you can simply log in using the same name. If you have never ordered from Scholastic before, after you have selected the books you would like to order and go to check out, Scholastic will ask you to create a log in for their system so that in the future you can log in directly to your account anytime to make orders. The books will then be delivered to our campus, free of charge, and we will hand them out as soon as they arrive. For every €1 you spend our school will earn 20₵ in Scholastic Rewards.
I hope that by joining Scholastic Book Club we can further promote and encourage children to read all of the wonderful books that are available. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding ordering books. I would be more than willing to help you.
Thank you in advance for supporting your child’s reading journey and Park Lane libraries.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Andrea