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Homepage článek 03
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Nessie English Preschool
About us
Nessie English Preschool is an international preschool which accomodates children of all nationalities and levels of English aged from 2 to 6 years.
Our preschool foll...
About Us
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Zkušební článek
Bold nadpis
Paul Ingarfield
Principal & Head of Secondary
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aen...
School day
School is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 until 17:00 but the academic programme runs from 9:00 to 15:30.
Paul Ingarfield
Principal & Head of Secondary
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aen...
Programme & Curriculum
At Nessie English Preschool, we believe in supporting learning and development from an early age and therefore offer fun and exciting learning experiences for preschool-aged children. Ou...
Our philosophy
At Park Lane, we endorse the most natural and efficient way of teaching young children - learning through pl...
Our students
At our school we are committed to creating and sustaining an environment where our pupils are:
Cooperation with parents
Building an effective parent teacher partnership is amongst our highest priorities at Park Lane. We actively...
Parents - Essential
School Bus
Park Lane International School can arrange transportation fo...
Our students are divided into age-based classes:
(the division depends on the age of children ...
Adaptation process
At Park Lane, we would like to make the transition of starting school as smooth as possible for your child. ...
We believe that healthy and nutritious food is essential for the healthy development...
Safety & Hygiene
Assuring security is one of our priorities. As well as adhering to the standard security measures required f...
Academic Board
Barbara Lubaczewska
Primary teacher for 20 years in England, the Middle East and Europe. School leadership roles include: Deputy Headteacher, Senior teacher, Head of P...
Otevření nového kampusu
Vážení rodiče,
Otevřete si prosím dopis na přivítanou od nového třídního učitele svého dítěte pro školní rok 2015–2016.
Věříme, že jste společně s celou r...
Přijďte na Den otevřených dveří 17. října
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3 - Template Person Board
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cu...
1 - Template Campus
Our Primary and Secondary school campus currently accommodates pupils from 7 to 13 years old and will later house our senior school from 11 to 18 years of age. It is loc...
Czech lessons
Although the main communication and educational language is English, we cannot forget about the lessons of C...
Extra Curricular
Nessie English Preschool believes in enriching your child’s learning, boosting self-confidence and developin...
Early Years
Pre-Nursery: 2-3 years old
5 - Content + ArticleImage
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Template page 4col
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris risus elit, laoreet sed malesuada vitae, tem...
4 - Template page Logos
COUNCIL OF BRITISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS Park Lane International School is an Executive Member of COBIS (Council Of British International Schools). We hold ...
6 - Content + ArticleImage+Images
....preparing the young people of today for the unknown occupations of tomorrow At Park Lane International School we sincerely believe that every young p...
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School Bus
Park Lane International School can arrange transportation fo...
8 - Content + ArticleImage+Glalery+Images
At Park Lane International School we currently welcome pupils of all nationalities from ages 3-13 and will e...
Sports Festival “Sporťáček 2014”
Park Lane was invited to participate at a huge sports event called “Sporťáček”. Visitors were given lots of advice about studying at Park Lane and some of them were able to play TAG Rugb...
Sports Festival “Sporťáček 2014”
Park Lane was invited to participate at a huge sports event called “Sporťáček”. Visitors were given lots of advice about studying at Park Lane and some of them were able to play TAG Rugb...
International Dot Day
We presented ‘The Dot’, a story written by Peter Reynolds, at a special morning assembly.
All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 across were inspired by some indoor and outdoor art ac...
An Educational Visit from the Land of the Rising Sun
On 16th September, our Prague 1 campus played host to two special guests from the International College of Liberal Arts (iCLA), which is based at the Yamanashi Gakuin University, close t...
PTA International Breakfast
Park Lane International School is proud to have a very active Parent and Teacher Association (PTA). All Park Lane families and staff are automatically members and are welcome to attend v...
House team building contest at Prague 1 campus
The sun was shining for our first house team building event of the school year. Pupils from Year 3 to Year 8 (including KS2 children from Norbertov) gathered at our Valdštenjská campus. ...
CPLP October Weekend Training
Park Lane International School enjoyed opening its doors once again to another successful weekend for the Centre for Professional Learning, Prague on 18th and 19th October, 2014. Based a...
Autumn Carnival / Halloween Disco
Our pupils enjoyed a fun-filled Carnival Day.
Visiting Rugby Team from England
On Friday 24th October we hosted some special guests from Newcastle, England. On a fun morning in the sunshine the visiting Year 8 Rugby squad from Dame Allan’s School trained on our Ast...
ISI Inspection with overall rating “Excellent”!
Our ISI inspection was a great success. Colin Bell, CEO of the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) congratulated Park Lane on an "enormously positive report" while David Joh...
Park Lane Open Day
Our visitors had the opportunity to tour our school sites guided by our pupils. Our guests visited lessons and saw the school in action.
Charity Disco at Prague 6
It was great to see so many pupils attend our charity school discos on
Friday 21st November. Thanks to your generosity we were able to raise
10,500CZK for our SOS Familie...
Winter Market 2014
Our Winter Market was highly successful and very well attended. The weather was kind and a great time was had by all. There was a super range of stalls including delicious food and hot b...
Winter Concerts
We enjoyed the Winter class assemblies at our campuses with pupils performing with great enthusiasm in front of packed audiences.
Basketball against ISP
We took our KS3 boys and girls to play against ISP.
It was the first time we had taken part in a competitive basketball fixture, yet
despite our inexperience, our players...
PTA International Breakfast Morning
Our second PTA ‘International Breakfast’ of this school year.
Another informal occasion and simply an opportunity for parents to socialise with one another, to converse with seni...
Park Lane Press
The Final Edition of the PL Bulletin was sent to all parents. The bulletin was replaced by Park Lane Press, a publication which appears directly in your email and does not need to be dow...
Comics illustrator Lizz Lunney at our Open Day
We were delighted to welcome comic book author, Lizz Lunney to all
campuses on Thursday 29th.
Our pupils were hooked from the very start as Miss Lizz showed them how to c...
Year 5 Residential Ski Trip to Klíny Sport Areal
Year 5 had a great ski trip in Klíny in Krušné hory with two pupils and one teacher (Miss Joanna) progressing from having never stood on skis in their life to traversing the slopes like ...
Year 3J's trip to the Sue Ryder Centre
Year 3J had such an educational and fun day touring the Sue Ryder residential care centre. The visit began with a hands-on workshop about living with disabilities, during which time the ...
Basketball matches vs. Sunny Canadian School
Our Y7 & 8 girls' and boys' basketball teams played against Sunny Canadian
School. While our still-inexperienced teams lost their matches, it was good for our players to see the ...
ISSAP Basketball tournament
Our boys’ Year 7 & 8 basketball squad entered the Year 9 ISSAP basketball tournament held at ISP. We eventually beat EISP's B and C teams and had to beat the EISP first team to win our l...
Velvet Revolution student leaders at Park Lane (Prague 1)
On 6th November we were honoured to host a special seminar marking the 25th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution.
We were delighted to welcome Mr. Šimon Pánek and Mr. Jan Bubeník, who w...
Arts Festival House Competition
The atmosphere reached fever pitch on Friday 13th February when KS2 and Nursery-Year 2 pupils performed their House Action Song in our annual Arts Festival competition. It was a very clo...
Park Lane International School at Guy Fawkes Gala Evening organized by British Chamber of Commerce
A breathtaking ballet performance of the "Nutcracker" was presented by soloists of the National Theatre together with pupils from Park Lane.
PL Family Community Event - cooking afternoon at Chefparade
On the afternoon of Saturday 28th February, some of t our older children had the opportunity to prepare a 3-course menu under the guidance of a professional chef at Chefparade. Parents w...
World Book Day
It was wonderful to see so many parents and pupils at our World Book Day 'Reading Breakfast' on Thursday 5th March. Pupils dressed up as a host of different animal characters and our sch...
Year 6 Residential trip to Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon
Both of our Year 6 classes had the opportunity to visit Shakespeare's birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, as well as London and other interesting locations along the way.
Educators from Park Lane and Nessie enjoyed another successful weekend of high quality professional development at the Centre for Professional Learning, Prague and were delighted to welc...
From Antarctica to Park Lane
Park Lane played host to polar explorer and marine biologist, Henry Evans, who won a UK newspaper contest to trek to the South Pole 100 years after the famous 2012 expedition of Captain ...
Czech department - Matematický klokan
On Friday 20th March some of our pupils took part in the Czech Maths competition: 'Matematický klokan'.
We really appreciated the great efforts of all our contestants.
Year 8 Ski Trip
Year 8 travelled to Austria for an eight-day ski trip and lots of fun! After enjoyable days on the slopes, pupils visited the local aqua park (twice) and participated in a number of team...
Easter Egg House Competition
Pupils throughout the school from Nursery through to Year 6 enjoyed taking part in our Easter Egg House Competition. The displays produced were so creative with lots of different inventi...
World Health Day
Students, teachers and members of the staff enjoyed a great day full of special activities to celebrate World Health Day. Students at Valdštejnská campus were thrilled by a live demonstr...
Czech Author Visit
On Thursday 16th April our school was visited by the famous Czech author Ivona Březinová. Pupils had a chance to become familiar with some of her books and asked her what it is like to b...
Rock Band at Meet Factory
Some of our musically talented pupils participated in a concert at the Meet Factory. With a full audience and lots of cheers, they rocked the crowds' socks off! Year 3 guitarists Honzík ...
Open Day
Another opportunity for our visitors to see the school in action, guided by our pupils.
Visitors from the Island of Hope
From Monday 20th April until Tuesday 28th April we welcomed two Primary teachers from the Island of Hope, our partner school in Kenya from the Centrum Narovinu charity. Kevin Onyango and...
The Park Lane and Marathon Appeal
We had three staff relay teams running for our International charity - Centrum Narovinu which is a partnership between Czech and Kenyan schools raising funds for the 'Island of Hope' com...
Spectacular Results for Park Lane’s young scientists & filmmakers!
The results of this year’s COBIS Young Scientists film contest were announced at during COBIS’s annual conference in London. Mr Ingarfield, was delighted to collect five awards for Park ...
Park Lane comes of age with Careers Week 2015
From 12-14 May, the Key Stage 3 timetable was adapted to allow for three days of visits, presentations, quizzes and debates. An important milestone in the school’s development, Careers W...
Workshop with Eliška Hašková Coolidge
Mrs.Eliška shared her experiences of her long career in the USA, where she worked as a special assistant to five American presidents. Our pupils learned about social etiquette and the im...
CZ Inspection
Park Lane was inspected by Česká školní inspekce from 28 – 30 April. A team of three inspectors visited our Prague 1 and Prague 6 campuses. The inspectors checked our long-term plans, sc...
Prague Invitational Cup
Our school hosted the Prague Invitational Cup, an alternative to the COBIS games held in Athens.
Each team, comprising of 6 boys and 6 girls from KS3 (Y7-9), competed in athletics, f...
Year 3 Residential Trip
Our Year 3 children had a wonderful time at their three-days residential at Klíny. Each day was busy and full of fun activities. Children enjoyed the challenge course (team building on t...
International Day 2015
Despite intermittent rainfall, this year's event was very well attended by pupils and parents from all three campuses and everyone present enjoyed a variety of foods from around world, p...
Park Lane artists excel in the 2015 COBIS Art Competition!
Following on from Park Lane’s great success in the COBIS Young Scientist Film Awards, we were absolutely thrilled to learn that Daniela Pekařová from Year 2N and Viktorie Řeháková from Y...
Park Lane Film Festival
Co-directed by Mr Tommie Teasdale and Year 8 pupils, Alex Boestad and Erik Čekan, Park Lane’s first-ever Film Festival was held at Kino Aero in Prague 3. Very well attended by parents an...
Workshops with Petr Sís
We were delighted to welcome the famous author, illustrator and filmmaker Mr.Petr Sís to our Prague 6 and Prague 1 campuses. Mr. Sís led workshops for Year 2 at Norbertov and Year 6 at V...
BCC Family picnic
For the second year in a row, the British Chamber of Commerce organised a Family Picnic in our Valdštejnská school grounds. BCC guests as well as PL families enjoyed a variety of fun-fil...
African Festival Narovinu
Multicultural musical and dancing performances and workshops organized by Centrum Narovinu at our Valdštejnská campus on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th June included a conference for youn...
Park Lane’s 1st annual prize giving ceremony
Park Lane organized its inaugural annual prize giving ceremony in the beautiful surroundings of Valdstejnska Zahrada. The accomplishments of pupils from Year 3 to Year 8 were recognised ...
Admissions enquiry
Thank you for your enquiry. We will contact you within 24 hours.
Bake Sale at Prague 1
The Prague 1 Primary School Council held their first successful 'Bake Sale' of the year. The Year 6 pupils catered the event, with a wide selection of delicious homemade food.
Park Lane Rugby Festival with World Cup superstar Lome Fa'atau
Our primary and secondary pupils greatly enjoyed last week's Rugby Festival in the company of superstar Rugby player Lome Fa'atau. Years 3 and 4 participated in a range of Rugby-related ...
Our students interviewing Martin Veselovský at DVTV
A selected group of secondary students recently had a great opportunity to visit the offices of DVTV (an internet TV station) to conduct an interview with Martin Veselovský, the well-kno...
Shoe box appeal
Thank you very much to all of our pupils who created their shoe boxes filled with special treats for the residents and carers of the Domov Sue Ryder Elderly centre. The boxes letters wri...
PTA Art Exhibition Extravaganza!
Park Lane hosted its very first open air sculpture exhibition on September the 24th. This PTA event took place at the Wooden Horse Sculpture Park by the river at Troja. The event was att...
2016 Cobis Games - week of trials
We have had a great week of trials with 23 pupils competing for a spot in the final squad of 14. On Tuesday 29th September our trials focused on athletics and swimming. All the pupils pa...
Visit to the French Institute
Fourteen Park Lane pupils from Y8 & Y9 visited the French Institute close to Wenceslas Square on the occasion of European Languages Day. They were evaluated and shown the exams procedure...
Y8 and Y9 Learning Walk to Vyšehrad
On the 23rd of September, a selected group of Y8 and Y9 students visited Vyšehrad castle and the neighbouring cemetery of famous Czech personalities. We talked about the classical Czech ...
House team building contest for Y3-5 at Prague 6
On Thursday 1st October, our Years 3-5 pupils were brilliant at demonstrating their excellent team building skills by participating in a variety of different challenges throughout the af...
House team building contest for Y4 to Y9 at Prague 1
All pupils from Y4 to Y9 participated in our first house contest of 2015/16. Two teams from each house rotated between a variety of activities, including 'Giant Chinese Whispers', the 'L...
Barbara Winton's visit at Prague 1 campus
Barbara Winton, daughter of Sir Nicholas Winton and author of his biography, 'It's Not Impossible', visited Park Lane. Her talks focused on the experiences of this great man and the 669 ...
Y9 in Hybernia Theatre
Year 9 students took the tram to Hybernia Theatre to watch their friend David Dana (9A) perform in an adaptation of Robin Hood. They were pleasantly surprised to see hundreds of other yo...
Bake sale at Prague 6
We would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who was able to support our Bake Sale on Friday 18th September. The children and families involved worked extremely hard to make it suc...
Year 3's trip to Prokopské údolí
We had an amazing trip to Prokopské údolí. While we were exploring the park we went on a treasure hunt and even found a real fossil. After conducting some investigations into rocks, we w...
Summer Class Assemblies
It was an absolute privilege and pleasure to watch all of the Summer class assemblies at both our Valdstenjska and Norbertov campuses. Our pupils performed confidently in front of a pack...
Vending machine at Valdštejnská campus
Following a campaign led by our School Council members at Prague 1, we have managed to install a vending machine in the hallway alongside the dining room. This vending machine contains h...
Open Day on Thursday 28th April
You will have the opportunity to tour the school guided by our pupils, visiting lessons and seeing the school in action. Our members of staff will be available to answer any questions yo...
Join us for our Park Lane Winter Market !
Come and celebrate the festive season with us at our Prague 1 campus on Saturday, December 12th from 10am until 3pm. Find lovely gifts from a range of stalls including hand‐made goods su...
Charity movie night at Norbertov
We will be holding a Movie Night at our Norbertov campus on Friday 15th January.
Pupils from Years 3-6 are invited to the performace from 4.30-6.15pm in the hall at Pr...
Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony 2016
Park Lane organised its Annual Prize-Giving ceremony in the beautiful surroundings of Ledeburská zahrada.
The accomplishments of pupils from Year 3 to Year...
Y9 Trip to Terezín
Year 9 students at Park Lane are currently studying the concept of Genocide in their History lessons. One of the main areas of study was of course the Holocaust and its consequences. In ...
Halloween Disco and Bake Sale
Our secondary pupils greatly enjoyed their Halloween Disco and Bake Sale organised by the School Council.
Mr. Ray Furlong from Radio Free Europe at Prague 1 campus
During a special assembly on Friday 16th October, we were joined by special guest, Mr. Ray Furlong from Radio Free Europe. He shared his experiences of travelling across Europe with Saye...
BCC Guy Fawkes Gala evening
We would like to congratulate our school choir on their big success at the BCC Guy Fawkes Gala evening, which was held on Friday 6th November at the Museum of Music, Prague 1.
More success for our champion diver Viktorie H (Y9Z)
Last weekend in Brno, Viki H (Y9Z), our experienced international diver, competed for the Czech Republic in the 3 Nations Juniors Diving Competition, which also featured divers from Aust...
Park Lane wins the ISSAP under-14 football tournament!
Last Friday afternoon, our KS3 footballers did the school proud by winning the ISSAP contest held at Prague British School.
The tournament featured two teams from PBS and one fro...
Maths through Art
Park Lane pupils were thoroughly challenged and engaged with a wide range of activities during our 'Maths through Art' day on Wednesday 4th November. During assembly at our Prague 6 camp...
Art Workshop - Year 3
Year 3 has had a lovely time learning about watercolours and compositions. We were fortunate enough to have Tatiana Kompaniets (Michel 3Rs mum) as our instructor. She taught us how to se...
Charity Disco Prague 6
We were delighted to see so many pupils at our charity discos on 12th and 13th November. Thank you to all the pupils who attended for their generosity and many thanks to the teachers, wh...
A HUGE well done to our fantastic students in Secondary, who participated in the Readathon, raising a whopping 31,406 CZK. Not only this, but they overwhelmed the Park Lane teachers with...
Recording of Park Lane Rock Band
In June 2015, our rock band consisting of Emma N., Maggie N., Ben J., Thaddée T. and Mario Š., made a wonderful recording of the song Feeling Good, by Nina Simone. The students worked un...
Singing workshop
On 14th October 2015, Y7 had an exciting opportunity to work with professional musician Matthew Kirschenbaum. He taught our children the basics of vocal improvisation. He brought out the...
School Section
Inspektorát nezávislých škol (ISI)
Inspektorát nezávislých škol je orgán zřízený k provádění inspekcí podle ustanovení části 162A (britského) školského zákona z roku 2002. Z tohoto titulu se ISI zodpovídá Minist...
As an International family living and working in the heart of Europe, an international education for our dau...
Usborne book fair
The three Usborne book fair events held at our campuses last week were hugely successful.
The total sales amounts for each individual site are as follows:
Floorball Match vs Prague British School
On Tuesday 1st December our Year 4 floorball team travelled to PBS for a floorball fixture. The boys and girls did themselves proud and ended the game winning 25 – 7! Well done to all th...
Year 5/6 Basketball Match vs Prague British School
On Thursday 3rd December our Year 5/6 basketball team travelled to PBS for a fixture.
This was the first time we have played a match against another school in basketball and alth...
Year 8 at Palffy Palace restaurant
Year 8 enjoyed a super night out at Palffy Palce restaurant on 3rd December to celebrate the end of their food technology unit.
Park Lane children performing at Barevná Kavárna, Prague 2
On Sunday 6th December we had the pleasure to enjoy the Park Lane children singing and playing at Barevná Kavárna. The band is called Father's Devils and they played two songs from the R...
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tor...
Patrik broadcasting news since October at Rádio Junio
Patrik O. from Y4K has been broadcasting news since October 29th at Rádio Junior. Patrik is responsible for preparing the news, which he has to send to an editor first. Once a month he i...
Year 8 and 9 project learners teach Year 3 and 4!
Over the last four weeks the Year 8 and Year 9 project learners have been preparing lessons to deliver to Year 3 and Year 4 at Norbertov. This was a wonderful way of bringing the two cam...
Visit of Hadi Al Khatib, an International Relations student at the AAU
Park Lane International School was proud to welcome last week Hadi Al Khatib, an International Relations student at the Anglo-American University in Prague. Hadi responded to our invitat...
The ISMFA Opening Beneficial Concert, at the Kaiserstein Palace, Prague 1
The ISMFA pupils, many from Park Lane, performed together with blind members of the Artevide Foundation. During the evening, everyone could listen to beautiful music and singing performa...
3rd annual Winter Market
Thanks to everyone who attended our highly successful Winter Market last Saturday.
Despite the grey skies, we clearly had a record attendance for our vibrant and entertaining 5-h...
Winter Class Assemblies - Primary
It was a privilege and pleasure to watch all of the Winter class assemblies at both our campuses. The pupils did an incredible job performing in from of a packed audience. We enjoyed a w...
House Trophy Winners
Congratulations to 'Fire House' for winning the Autumn term trophy!
In January we will start again at zero. In June we will add up each of the term's house points to identify our...
Ondřej Soukup at Prague 6
As part of our topic 'Hall of Fame', Year 2 had the privilege to meet renowned composer and Superstar judge Ondřej Soukup. Mr.Soukup kindly visited our Year 2 class and answered a number...
KS3 assembly
ur secondary school students performed at our winter assembly in front of their peers only. All classes played extremely well and are already looking forward to our big concert, 'The Sou...
Seminar with Mr.Michael Žantovský
On Tuesday 12th February, we had the pleasure to welcome Mr.Michael Žantovský, the director of the Václav Havel Library, to our Prague 1 campus.
Mr.Žantovský presented a fascinat...
School Community
At Park Lane International School we pride ourselves on being a small and caring school with parents, pupils and staff working in partnership to creat...
'Stay and Share' on Thursday 14th January at Prague 6
Dear parents of Year 1 - Year 5 children, please join us in your child´s classroom on Thursday 14th January from: 8.15am - 9.00am at Prague 6.
You will be able to see...
Charity movie night at Norbertov
We will be holding a Movie Night at our Norbertov campus on Friday 15th January.
Pupils from Years 3-6 are invited to the performace from 4.30-6.15pm in the hall at Pr...
Mezinárodní základní a střední škola Praha
Mezinárodní škola Park Lane International School poskytuje kvalitní vzdělání v anglickém jazyce. Naše víceleté anglické gymnázium na Praze 1 bude studenty připravovat na zkoušky IGCSE a ...
Y7&Y9 visited an Educational concert
Our Y7 and Y8 students visited an educational concert performed by the Czech Youth Philharmonic. The performance included Rhapsody In Blue by George Gershwin featuring Mr.Ivo Kahánek, re...
Y8 Ski Trip
In the first week of January, 17 pupils from Year 8 enjoyed great skiing experiences in Kaprun and Zell-am-See in the Austrian Alps. The snow conditions were very good and our skiers wer...
Maths Day
A selection of Year 8 and 9 Park Lane pupils were lucky enough to take part in the 2016 Gifted and Talented Maths Day - the first inter-school event organised and hosted by Park Lane, wh...
Our Kenyan Visitor
For the past two weeks, Park Lane's Prague 1 campus has played host to Mr. Philip Obuyo from the 'Island of Hope' community school on Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya. As the Island ...
Football tournament at Petřiny
A selection of Park Lane's Year 2 & 3 footballers enjoyed a thrilling afternoon of football in Petriny on the 21st January. In a tournament with 7 other schools competing and having fini...
Mateřská škola Nessie is part of Park Lane International School. Our school is divid...
Curriculum workshops for parents at Prague 6 campus
Dear Parents,
We would like to let you know about a number of curriculum workshops we plan to run for Park Lane parents throughout the Spring term.
Our specialist subject...
Y5 Ski Trip at Klíny
The children had great weather for the week of 18-22 January and good snow cover, so there was a full programme of skiing and snowboarding, including a night skiing session, plus indoor ...
YPO Seminar - Quo vadis education?
The Young Presidents’ Organisation led a seminar 'Quo vadis education' for their members and PL representatives at our Prague 1 campus.
Music competition Allegro 2016
On Sunday 24th January, our Rock Band represented by Ben Jetton, Thaddée Toulouse, Tyler Pons, David Dana and Honzík Dudák, participated in a very prestigious music competition: Allegro ...
Rock&Soul Jam Session at Vzorkovna, Prague 1
On Monday 25th January, Park Lane musicians together with PBS and ISP students had their first gig at the Vzorkovna Underground Club during a regular Rock&Soul session, which will now be...
COBIS Games Team - practice match with PBS
On Wednesday 27th January our COBIS Games Team travelled to PBS for a practice match. This was a fantastic opportunity for the team to practice the skills we have been working so hard on...
Computing specialist Yuyan Zhang visits Year 3
On Friday 27th of January, Year 3 was pleased to host Yuyan Zhang, Jaco's mum, who led us in a very interesting computing lesson. Yuyan is an actual programmer who works for Skype. She e...
Rick McCallum - producer of Star Wars at Park Lane
Year 2 and a number of other children from throughout the school (including secondary) had the opportunity of meeting acclaimed movie producer Rick McCallum. Rick has been the producer o...
Arts festival House Competition 2016
Our Arts festival house competition is coming up at the end of this half term !
It is a great opportunity for pupils to collaborate together across the school and celebra...
Y9 Model United Nations delegation attends FAMUN conference in Holland
After months of preparations, FAMUN 2016 finally arrived... and it was truly worth it!
The Park Lane FAMUN delegation arrived in The Netherlands full of excitement, nervo...
The 2016 scholarship scheme for external candidates
The 2016 scholarship scheme for external candidates
The 2016 Park Lane scholarship scheme for external candidates is intende...
Video Introduction to Park Lane International School
Welcome to an outstanding place of learning. A happy place. A safe place. A place where children discover who they are and what they will be. Welcome to Park Lane International School. Enjoy a tou...
Eco-Warrior Bake Sale at Prague 1
Prague 1's campus had a successful Eco-Warrior Bake Sale on February 3rd, raising 3,500czk for garden materials. We will be having a field trip on February 26th to stock up on seeds, pla...
House Art Festival competition
The atmosphere reached fever pitch on Friday 12th February when Key Stage 2 and Nursery-Year 2 pupils performed their House Action Song in our annual Arts Festival competition.
UK trip
Shakespeare's stories, Harry Potter magic, Cadbury's chocolate, a medieval castle and the London Eye are just a sample of the fantastic Year 6 England residential experiences. The Year 6...
David Bowie concert at Vzorkovna
Last Monday there was a second concert at Vzorkovna, which was dedicated to the music of David Bowie. Students of Park Lane, PBS and ISP performed a fantastic set list, which included:
World Book Day
Last week's Secondary Book Week was lots of fun, with our 'drop everything and read' activity drawing attention to the concept of books in every subject area. It was great to see student...
KS3 Parent Forum
Thank you to the KS3 parents who were able to attend the Secondary school forum last Thursday. The session was held in the format of an advice fair, offering parents the opportunity to s...
Secondary Science Fair
On Friday March 4th, KS3 hosted its first annual Science Fair! Spread out over four different rooms, all of our secondary pupils showed off their scientific skills by presenting their ve...
Spring term activities in the French Department
This term, the French Department has been celebrating various French cultural traditions, beginning with 'La galette des Rois' in January where pupils had the opportunity to be a Queen o...
The sound of Park Lane
The evening of March 16th 2016 marked Park Lane's first ever full-scale music concert, The Sound of Park Lane, featuring Park Lane Choir and rock and pop performances from al...
Book week with Ash Dickinson at our Primary school
Park Lane recently celebrated Book Week in the Primary school. We had an array of costumes and were very shocked that no damage was done with all the Harry Potters and their wands! A ver...
Book week with Ash Dickinson at our Secondary School
On Thursday 17th March, performance poet Ash Dickinson joined us in the secondary school for workshops with each year group. The students were treated to a performance of poems from his ...
Scholastic book club sales at Prague 6
We have officially completed our first Scholastic book club at Park Lane! Thank you to all of the parents who ordered books for their children. We earned almost 200 pounds of free books ...
Music students of St. Michaels University School, British Columbia visit Park Lane
On the final day of the spring term, music students of St. Michaels University School all the way from British Columbia in Canada visited Park Lane as part of their European tour and per...
English felting artist in Year 7
Year 7 students had a special art lesson this week when they were joined by Kathryn Rogers, an English felting artist. The groups were shown how to create textured and expressive felt im...
Czech author visit - Martina Drijverová
On Thursday 7th of April, the famous Czech writer Martina Drijverová visited our campuses at Norbertov and Valdštejnská. She introduced to our primary pupils some of her most popular boo...
International Day at Park Lane
Our 2016 International Day was a truly memorable event: the turn-out was excellent and some long-term members of the school community remarked that they thought it was the best International Day...
Park Lane Film Festival in Kino Aero
Many of the secondary students and primary pupils will be making short films this month on the run up to the 2nd annual Park Lane Film Festival to be held on May 25th (Primary) and 26th ...
O2 Prague 4x5 Teacher's Relay to support PL Scholarship programme
We would like to thank to all Park Lane & Nessie runners for participating in the O2 race on Tuesday 19th April and promoting our Scholarship programme and the school in general.
Eco-Warrior Bake Sale at Prague 1 Campus
We had a great and successful Eco-Warrior Bake Sale!
We raised 1,800czk for supplies and our composter and the pupils had a great time selling and eating the yummy treats!
Earth Day
On Earth Day, April 22nd, our Valdštejnská Eco-Warriors and helpers planted a tree as part of the global "Trees for Earth" project, which is trying to plant 7.8 billion trees. We're so p...
Primary Summer Assemblies
It was an absolute privilege and pleasure to watch all of the Summer class assemblies at both our Valdstenjska and Norbertov campuses.
Our pupils performed confidently...
Sports Day
Foundation Stage
On Wednesday 11th May, our Nursery and Reception pupils took part in a challenging circuit of different events from 'Egg and Spoon' to 'Obstacles' and 'Hurdles relay.' Ou...
16 - 20 May Y4 Residential Trip to Březová
Year 4 went on an exciting residential to Stan in Brezova, it was a week that was packed full of adventures. Some of the exciting activities included; clambering through high ropes; scra...
Primary COBIS Games
Well done to all 14 members of our first ever COBIS Games trip. The competition was of an extremely high standard and considering we are a small school compared to many others, we can ho...
25 - 26 May 2nd Annual PL Film Festival
On Thursday 26th May, the 2nd edition of the Park Lane Film Festival was held at Kino Aero. The calibre and variety of Park Lane's entries showed just how talented, creative and tech sav...
The Great Park Lane Bake Off!
Our first Great Park Lane Bake Off was a huge success with many Park Lane families entering.
Thanks to you all who spent time baking and cooking. We really appreciate your effort...
Seo patička
English International School
Park Lane International School in the Czech Republic follows the National Curriculum of England. Our Secondary School in Prague 1 offers I...
Zkušení článek 1
Obsah článku 1 ...
Y7 Residential Trip to Munich
29 students from Year 7 and three teachers went on an exciting residential to Germany.
We stayed in a lovely hotel on the edge of the alp and traveled to a different attr...
BCC Family picnic
For the 3rd year in a row, the British Chamber of Commerce organised a Family Picnic in our Valdštejnská school ground. BCC guests as well as PL families enjoyed a variety of fun-filled ...
Honzík K Year 5S
Mr.Ingarfield and the senior management team would like to say a really big THANK YOU to Honzík from 5S for designing an incredibly mature and creative mobile application for Park Lane. ...
Annika K excels in golf competition
Huge congratulations to Annika K of Year 4S for achieving 2nd place in the European Golf Championship in Scotland for the Czech Republic!
Watch our latest video
Dear Parents, Please enjoy our video of the Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony 2016. We wish you a very nice summer! Park Lane Team
‘Meet and Greet’ session on Wednesday 31st August
Dear parents,
We would like to invite you to a ‘Meet and Greet’ session on Wednesday 31st August:
9.30-10.30am at Nessie and Norbertov
Welcome to the new academic year !
Key dates to remember in September:
Club registrations closing date: Thursday 1 September
Primary School Curriculum evenings:
Eschools and School Communications
Dear Parents,
As you are aware we have moved our VLE and communication to a new area called eSchools, accessible via the schools website or on the following link; https:/...
We are happy to announce that the first term of Park Lane After-School Clubs started on the 5th of September.
Our primary and secondary students had an opportunity to cho...
Working together at the Karel Zeman Musem
7G and 7H and their tutors had a lovely day out on Monday 12th September at the beautiful Karel Zeman film museum. The visit fell into two parts: first of all the children divided into t...
Jogging club
The jogging club meets at 15:30 at the Prague 1 reception every Tuesday and is open to all students and staff. We went to Letna Park for our first jog. Once we made it up the hill we enj...
Roald Dahl’s Birthday
We celebrated the birthday of this most famous author in style on Tuesday. The Library was decorated with colourful bunting and a 3D display, including a large birthday cake. Years 5 and...
Year 8 Team building at Stromovka Park
On Tuesday 13th September Year 8 travelled to Stromovka Park for an afternoon of team building!
The students were in 4 different teams and completed a wide variety of different c...
Wooden Horse PTA exhibition
The second PTA gathering at The Wooden Horse on the 29th of September was a wonderful evening of music, food, drink and colourful pots. The turnout was even better than last year and it ...
Parent-teacher evenings in October
Primary Parent evenings are taking place on the following dates:
Prague 5 - 11th October
Prague 6 - 12th October
Open Day at all campuses on Thursday 10th October
Dear parents, Enjoy the Video Introduction to Park Lane International School !We would like to invite you to visit our school campuses during the scheduled Open Day on Thursday 10th October from ...
Opening Early Years classes at our new Sibeliova site in Prague 6
We are delighted to inform you that our Early Years department at Prague 6 is growing, and that we are proud to be opening a new Nursery class in our brand new facility, located at Sibel...
Student exchange programme
Last week, Park Lane hosted twelve Dutch students from Farel College, Amersfoort, as part of our new student exchange programme. The theme for the week was 'Life under Communism' and stu...
Celebrating European Day of Languages in Secondary
Secondary students at Park Lane International School celebrated the European Day of Languages on Monday 26th September.
When people speak more than one language, it is no...
Vocab Express Languages Championships
More than 80 of our Secondary students have been participating in this year’s Vocab Express Languages Championships, which ran from 28th September to 4th October 2016. Schools from all o...
International Breakfast in Nursery P class
Parents and children from the Nursery P class have enjoyed their first class event, the International Breakfast. Children and parents had an opportunity to taste different foods from cou...
PL Winter Market held on Saturday 10th December
Dear parents,
As in previous years, we would like to offer you the opportunity to book a stall at our popular Winter Market.
The Winter Market 2016 will be hel...
Year 2 invited to help create a travel book for children!
As part of our Around the World in 80 Days theme, we have developed an exciting link with Lonely Planet Kids. Our challenge over the coming weeks will subsequently be; to write a travel ...
Reception visiting botanical garden this term !
This term, our Reception children visited the Troja Botanical Gardens to learn all about autumn.
They observed changes, similarities and differences by looking closely at...
School Disco
Key Stage One and Key Stage 2 had an amazing time at their school discos. They danced the night away, and so did their teachers!
Andulka from 4M said “The DJ was ...
Year 5 Ancient Greek Olympics
On 9th November 2016, Year 5 students at Park Lane had the Olympic Games! It was based on Year 5’s topic for the term ‘The Ancient Greeks’ and it’s where the real Olympics began. 5A and ...
Year 8 challenging project
During the summer term, Ms. O'Brien gave our year 8 students a challenging project. Their task was to produce an accurate scale drawing of the school. Here is one of the best entries, from Emma a...
Deadline for scholarship applications on 24th March
The 2017 Park Lane scholarship scheme for external candidates is intended for academically gifted students joining Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10, i.e. students reaching their 13th, 14th or ...
Happy 2017 !
Park Lane staff returned to school on Monday, 2nd January, for a day of training, workshopping and catching up on some Czech culture. We look forward to a fun but industrious year with w...
Nursery class visiting the ZOO
The Nursery P children have been enjoying the 'Arctic Animals' topic. Meeting their learning goals through fun activities such as building an igloo, exploring sensory tray with arctic an...
Entrance Exams for potential students on 28th February
On Thursday 28th February Park Lane is holding the 3rd session of Entrance Exams for potential secondary school students.
Applicants will undergo a challenging selection ...
Emma from 5A performed in ‘The Nutcracker’ ballet at the National Theatre
This Christmas, Emma from 5A performed in ‘The Nutcracker’ ballet at the National Theatre. Emma spent lots of time practising for her role, she played ‘Maruška’, one of the main characte...
Champions! Two teams & two trophies…
On Thursday 26th January Park Lane entered two teams into the annual Fotbal Praha school competition. Eight teams attended and both Park Lane teams competed terrifically coming back in v...
Good Bye to Miss Petra !
Sadly it is time to say goodbye to a long serving member of our Early Years Team. After devoting nine years of her life to Park Lane, Petra Smith spent her last day with us on Friday 27t...
Year 8 Ski Trip in the Alps
This week our Year 8 students travelled to Zell am See for a week of frosty fun in the Austrian Alps. The trip - which is now generally agreed to have a somewhat legendary status - is be...
The sound of Park Lane 2017
It is our great pleasure to invite you to Park Lane's second annual musical extravaganza, The Sound of Park ...
Tennis Champions
A huge congratulations to our tennis superstars Julie and Jakub. They have both recently competed in tennis tournaments and came out on top, earning themselves trophies.
IGCSE French - Presentation of Exam Certificates
Our close neighbour, the newly assigned Belgian Ambassador, His Excellency Mr. Grégore Vardakis, visited the school in November and kindly agreed to present the French IGCSE certificates...
Year 6 trip to Stratford upon Avon
Our Year 6’s enjoyed a wonderful residential in Stratford-upon-Avon and London from 6th to 11th March. The programme was extensive and diverse. As Stratford-upon-Avon is a birthplace of ...
Maths Challenge
On Wednesday 18th January Park Lane hosted its second Maths Challenge Day. A group of Year 7, 8 and 9 students met with pupils from other Prague-based international schools at our Valdšt...
PL School band at British Market on March 23rd
Come and taste great British food and drink on March 23rd from 10.00 till 18.00 organized by British Chamber of Commerce; see traditional British brands and modern technologies; enjoy Br...
Drama workshop in Year 9
On Thursday the 14th of March, the year 9 students participated in a 90 minute Drama workshop, as provided by the Drama Company 'Giving Voice'. The focus of the event was to engage the s...
World Book Day
On Friday 3rd March we celebrated World Book Day. Everyone came dressed up as their favourite book characters. Each class took part in lots of different activities based on our favourite...
Primary Film Festival on Wednesday April 26th
3rd annual Park Lane Primary Film Festival 2017
This years Park Lane Primary Film Festival was amazing. Some films were acted and some children made Claymation videos or ...
Come and observe a Maths lesson at our Secondary Campus
Interested in what we do at Park Lane ? Want to see classroom practice in action ?
Come to our Open Day on April 25th 2017 and experience our maths classes in Year 7, 9 a...
3rd Annual Film Festival on Thursday 27 April
We would like to invite you to our 3rd Annual Park Lane Film Festival on Thursday 27th April at 5:30 pm
in the French Institute, Štěpánská 35, Praha 1, Kin...
Enjoy our video and photos from the Sound of Park Lane
Wednesday 5th April marked the second ever Sound of Park Lane, our annual music concert, which took place at the beautiful Prague Crossroads. Undeniably a major highlight of ...
Medals for Merits Assembly April 7th
On Friday 7th April, the last day before the Easter holiday, students were given medals for their achievements this year. A total of 125 medals were given out and 10 certificates for tho...
World Heath Day April 7th
On Friday the 7th, Year 9 and 10 students received a talk from a Doctor on basic first Aid. In addition, a variety of healthy smoothies and fresh juice options were available for the chi...
International Day at Park Lane on Saturday May 27th
Our annual International day was once again a great success. From Chakalaka at the African stall to freshly made Chinese dumplings, the sensational flavours of each national dish and the...
World Book Day at Prague 6 campus
On Friday 3rd March we celebrated World Book Day. Everyone came dressed up as their favourite book characters. Each class took part in lots of different activities based on our favourite...
Park Lane´ s Primary Football Team
Girls Football Team
On Thursday 6th April the Year 4 and 5 girls football team travelled to Prague British School to compete in a tournament. The girls created many chances again...
3rd Film Festival awards presented at the beautiful terrace of the Palffy Palace
Participants of the 3rd film festival were awarded on Thursday, May 4th at the beautiful terrace of the Palffy Palace.
And the awards went to:
New school psychologist at Park Lane
Psychologist Bára Hrušková will be visiting Park Lane every Thursday from 10am - 2pm. Students can drop in freely at break or lunch times. Alternatively, if they want to see Ms Hrušková ...
British Family Day at Prague 1 on Sunday June 18th
The British Chamber of Commerce cordially invites you to attend the British Family Day:
Sunday June 18
10:00 - 16:00
Garden of P...
Year 4 Residential to the Outdoor Resort at Březová
After returning back from our Year 4 Residential the children were filled with tales of jumping into the abyss, building campfires, climbing great heights, rafting across a vast lake and...
Duke of Edinburgh Expedition
The Duke of Edinburgh had a really great idea when he came up with of a way of allowing young people to enjoy the outdoors, experience adventure, work together in real life situations, b...
Fun Run
We would like to announce a great opportunity to represent our school and support our Scholarship fund by running the O2 Prague 4x5 km relay!
When: Thursday 15th June at ...
Usborne book fair
Dear all,
Please mark in your diaries the dates of the Usborne book fair:
7th June - Prague 5 (afternoon)
8th June - Prague 5 (mo...
Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony 2017
Dear all,
Enjoy the photo gallery from the Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony held at Ledeburská zahrada on 28th June 2017 at 19:00.
"Matchmakers on Strike" at the COBIS Music Festival in Spain
The first oversees gig for our band Matchmakers on Strike has been a great success. Although they were up against some tough competition Park Lane's KS4 students learned a lot and had a ...
First place in football match for Park Lane students !
On Monday the 5th Daniel, René, Jakub, Max, Saad, Ifwat, Míša, Kuba, Filip, and Honzík travelled to Riverside schools for a football competition. In the first game Park Lane beat PBS 5-0...
Year 2 Residential trip at the ZOO at Dvůr Králové
The Dvůr Králové ZOO is the only zoo in the Czech Republic to offer an African Safari. The ZOO also specializes in Africa and is the biggest breeder of African animals in Europe. Our Yea...
Year 8 students at Císařská louka
Year 8 students had an activity day on Tuesday 30th May. All students in the year group practiced the following activities: golf, beach volleyball, paddleboards, motor boat, sail maker a...
Children´ s Day at Nessie on Thursday June 15th
Dear all,
Come and enjoy a day with your children, visit our premises and meet our staff.
When: Thursday 15th June, 9am - 12pm
Year 5 students won 1st place in rugby match !
The team performed impressively. After playing an older and bigger Outlook team twice in the group stage where we lost one and won a game 8-7. Our year 5 team came through a very close f...
Primary Summer Assemblies
Dear parents,
We are delighted to invite you to our annual Summer Class Assemblies and the dates and timings are below. The theme for the class assemblies is "A Year to Remember"...
Summer Camp at Prague 6 Campus in July and August
We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting a Summer Camp this year at Park Lane international School, Prague 6 (Norbertov 3). The summer program will be open to all children cu...
Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony photos
Dear all,
Enjoy the photos from the Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony held at Ledeburská zahrada on 28th June 2017 at 19:00.
The accomplishments...
Welcome picnic at Prague 1 campus
Dear parents,
We would like to invite you to our Welcome picnic held on 8th September at Prague 1 campus from 4.00pm. This event will be a great occasion to meet our teac...
Meet and Greet Session for all Primary students
Dear parents,
We would like to invite you to our ‘Meet and Greet’ morning at all our Primary campuses on Friday, September 1st, when you can visit our classrooms, meet yo...
Team Nessie Preschool
All of our staff members have been trained in early childhood education and have experience with teaching in preschools all over the world. They undergo a stringent selection process; we...
Parents´ evenings and Homework workshop
Homework worshops:
Tuesday 5th October 8.15 - 9.00 at Prague 5 campus (Bertramka)
Wednesday 6th October 8.15 - 9.00 at Prague 6 campus (Norbertov)
Roald Dahl Day
On Friday 15th September, the children in Year 6 celebrated Roald Dahl Day. We started the day by making our own ‘Frobscottle’ smoothies from the book The BFG - they were very tasty! The...
Park Lane at the British Embassy Open Day
Park Lane was invited to participate in the prestigious British Embassy Open day on 16th September. As well as having an information stand, Park Lane brought along a group of twelve seco...
Three Year 4 classes at Residential Trip
Year 4 children, class teachers and teaching partners returned on Friday 22nd September happy but very tired after an amazing three days at Camp STAN in Březové. The residential gave the...
Peaceful protest at Park Lane
On Monday 25th September, Year 6 staged a peaceful protest to promote equal rights for primary and secondary students. First, they created banners, posters, and catchy chants. They surpr...
Project Learning In Year 7
After researching different methods of making volcanoes we have decided to make it using dough, and lots of it!!! We have placed a plastic bottle inside because...
Nursery and Reception trip to the ZOO
On Tuesday 26th September the Nursery and Reception children at the Sibeliova campus took a trip to Prague Zoo, the 5th best zoo in the world, according to TripAdvisor. The children had ...
Year 4 Traffic Playground Visit
Road Safety is part of the Year 4 Czech curriculum and to make this vital area of the curriculum memorable the children took a trip to the traffic playground in Prague 6 - Vypich.
Google Workshop at Valdštejnská on 14th and 15th October
Would you like to become an official Google Certified Educator ?
Get certified and learn about the latest educational tools from Google. Attend the certification bootcamp...
The Czech Book Fair at Valdštejnská
We would like to invite you to our first ever Czech Book Fair held at our Learning centre at Valdštejnská on Monday, October 16th from 9.30 - 15.30.
Half term Break October 23rd - 26th
Dear students,
Enjoy the Half Term Break from 23rd to 26th October !
We will see you back at school again on Monday 30th Oc...
Team spirit at an U11 competition
The Girls and Boys from Park Lane (Prague 6) competed with good team spirit at an U11 competition hosted by EISP on Monday October 9th. The girls played four games and won two whilst the...
Y5A Class Trip
Y5A spent most of the morning on Tuesday 10th October at the offices of Class Dojo. This was a great opportunity for the class to take a look at the behind the scenes action of dojo. The...
Geography trip for Year 10 and Year 11 students
Year 10 and 11 Geographers spent the whole day on Thursday out of school collecting data for their IGCSE Coursework. It was a long but fun day travelling across Prague, working in groups...
Student2student story time
As part of Library Month students from Year 9 & 10 were asked to read to Primary students in their mother tongue. We had volunteers to read in Czech, German, Russian and English.
Fall ball costume disco
Fall ball costume disco will take place at our Prague 6 campus on the following days:
Thursday, November 9th from 5.00 - 6.00 (Nursery - Year 2)
Join us For Our Annual Park Lane Winter Market
We would like to offer you and your friends an opportunity to vend your products to the visitors of our Winter Market. Just like last year the market will open to the public. The rental ...
International Christmas Festival
The choir's first event this year is the International Christmas Festival on Sunday the 26th of November at the Hilton Hotel.
If you would like to buy tickets (100 Kč), t...
Learning Centre Activities
Thursday evening saw the Learning Centre transformed into a magical, pumpkin filled kingdom fit for very special creatures from year 6. The costumes were super-scary and the winners of t...
Bookmark Competition
As ever the creativity and talent shown by the students who entered the competition was really amazing and I was very glad that Miss Petra and Mrs. Edwards were the judges.
One o...
The art of the dodecahedron and other platonic solids with Y9
On the last Friday before half term Year 9 maths students were investigating platonic solids. We looked into properties of these special shapes and had a go at building a dodecahedron. I...
Young graffiti artist visit
On Thursday the 9th of November, Year 6 had a fabulous graffiti street art workshop! They got the chance to experience the pleasure of spray painting their very own pieces of art that th...
Work process in Czech classes
In Czech lessons, we studied how to give instructions in a clear and engaging way. The students' task was to prepare their own videos in which they had to instruct the rest of ...
Year 7 visiting The National Theatre
On Wednesday 15th November, our three Y7 classes visited the National Theatre to find out more about its history and artists that decorated it with its amazing paintings and statues. We ...
Goethe Institut poems competition
Students from Years 9 and 10 have been busy writing original poems and translating poems from German into Czech and Czech into German. They have entered a competition being run by the Go...
Winter Class Assemblies
‘The Wonderful World of Books’
We are very excited to announce that we are holding our annual Winter Class Assemblies! You are invited to attend and the dates and timings...
Nursery L visited Dino Park
Wow! What a fantastic school excursion.
We had the park all to ourselves. I would like to thank everyone for promptly sending in the money, having appropriate wet weather...
Famo film school presentation for Year 10 Art
Daniel Weller from FAMO film school came to present a a variety of films from current and graduate students.
These screenings gave students an overview of the multiple contributi...
Sustainable cities in Year 7
With the theme of sustainability pulsing through Park Lane, Year 7 and 8 have been hard at work building sustainable cities. The five key components to think about were: nature, transpor...
Primary choir at Christmas Festival in Hilton Prague
On Sunday 26th November, the Park Lane Choir took part in their first event of the school year. The children performed three songs at the DSA Christmas Festival in the Hilton Hotel and really impre...
Duke of Edinburgh IA
On Friday the 1st of December, Year 9 and Year 10 students were treated to an assembly about the International Duke of Edinburgh award at Park Lane. Mr Garner, along with Natalie, Tereza...
Congratulations to Marco Van Gansen!
He is currently ranked 2nd in the country in his category "younger students" and he was 3rd in group fencing and 6th in individual this year in the championship of Czech Republic.
12 Park Lane delegates attended this the PBS Model United Nations conference. Look it up on Twitter and see more pictures there. see photos on Twitter (@ParkLaneMUN1).
Art and Music Day
Art and Music Day was a day full of creative and musical activities. We took part in the special Art and Music Assemblies, where we worked collaboratively on KS2 John’s Lennon Wall and K...
Parent Workshops
Dear parents,
We would like to invite you to the Mathematics Calculations and Reading Comprehension Workshops. These workshops aim to keep parents up to date with cur...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Dear Parents & Pupils,
On behalf of the Park Lane managing board and the senior management team, I would like to wish you all a splendid Christmas holiday and a health...
Sporting Heroes through the lens of the 5R’s
January looks set to be an exciting month in Valdstejnska. The subject focus is PE and the theme is “Sporting Heroes through the lens of the 5R’s". The 5 R’s: Respectful, Resourceful, Re...
COBIS Poetry Competition 2018
For 2018, the theme for the COBIS Poetry Competition is
"Through a Looking Glass".
Students can enter an original poem to reflect the theme.
Celebrating festivities and traditions in MFL
Since December students of French, German and Spanish have been engaged in various activities involving songs, cards, word search, films and games where they have been learning about tra...
Charity Calendar: ISLAND OF HOPE 2018
The Calendar, produced by Centrum Narovinu, our main charity organization is now on sale at our school offices for 120 CZK.
Ski Trip
With a great group of Y7, Y8 and Y9 students, we enjoyed an amazing week in Zell Am See, Austria. We skied for six days in mostly good weather, on the blue, red and also black ski slopes...
Year 6 were treated to a fantastic display of synchronized skipping by Hana and Natalie on Friday.
The performance, which was a cross between dance and a highly aerobic workout, ...
Year 4 Volcano Fun
In Science, Year 4 experimented with mixing acid with a base to see a chemical reaction. The children worked well in their teams and enjoyed watching the volcano erupt!
Year 3 Class Trip to Rodas
After their arrival children moved along to the workshop where candles are produced. After a short information on candle’s production children were able to produced candles themselves. T...
Year 6 'Stay and Share' Art Exhibition
Year 6 'Stay and Share' Art Exhibition. Well done to the Year 6 team ! Enjoy the photos.
4th annual Park Lane Film Festival
Dear all,
We would like to invite you to our 4th annual Film Festival taking place on May 3rd in the French Institute in Prague.
The Park Lane Film Fes...
The sound of Park Lane 2018
Dear everyone,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to Park Lane's third annual musical extravaganza, The Sound of Park Lane, taking place at 7pm on Wednesday 14th Marc...
Filip Mrůzek, the PRO golfer at Park Lane
Pavel Mrůzek’s visit was an exciting event for all the Year 8 students. Not only did it shed some light on what it’s actually like to be a professional golf player, but it also gave pupi...
Lukáš Kvapil, the Dakar rally racer at Park Lane
Lukas Kvapil, soldier, rally driver and modest hero visited Park Lane on Thursday to talk to the Year 9 students. Lukas spoke movingly about how he encountered an injured driver whilst t...
Primary Parents' evenings
Dear parents,
Please do make a note in your diaries now, so that you are available to meet with your child’s teacher. The spring term meeting is a crucial one in the ...
Prague 6 Football Competition
Students of year 3 and some from year 1 and 2 entered a football competition. We had two teams, and our coach was Mr David. There were 8 teams in the competition and one of our teams mad...
Park Lane's Sporting Heroes
On 17th January, Park Lane showcased a small sample of our talented sports people. Ten students had five minutes to inspire Year 6 students to take up a new sport. The Primary students w...
Digital Photography House Competition
Our Annual Digital Photography House Competition 2018 Results
Winner EYFS -Yamato Reception E
Winner Year 1 - Kate Knight - Year 1T
Winner Year 2- Mate...
Buen Provecho!
These past weeks in Spanish classes we have been covering the unit of Food and Drink (Comida y bebidas). Students from the Year 7 class have been working on building their vocabulary and...
Exchange Programme in Amsterdam
What a week it has been! The Exchange students came back home from Amersfoort on the last Friday before half-term after spending the week with their Dutch partners. They had a great time...
Experience Great Britain: British Market
This year, once again, on Friday 23 March, we will experience Great Britain together with the British Chamber of Commerce.
Come and taste great British food and drink...
Year 2 Trip to the National Museum of Agriculture
In Year 2, as part of the ‘Giants and Dreams’ topic work this term the children visited the National Museum of Agriculture on Wednesday 14th March. Despite the dreary weather the childre...
Czech Poetry Competition
In the Czech programme children from Y1 - Y6 classes had the chance to take a part in a poetry/recitation contest. It is not easy to learn a poem or a short passage from a book by heart ...
Unforgettable music event of 2018
A message for all wonderful musicians from Miss Lada (Music Subject Leader):
Six months of hard work and long practises and you should all be so proud of yourselves. W...
Park Lane Summer Camp 2018
We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting a Summer Camp this year at Park Lane International School, Prague 6 (Norbertov 3). The Summer program will be open to all children cu...
Open Day for Early Years at Bertramka and Sibeliova
We would like to invite you to visit our school campuses at Prague 6, Sibeliova 16 and Prague 5, Nad Bertramkou 10 during the scheduled Open Day on Tuesday 24th April from 10.00am till 3...
PORG Mun Conference
Some really great results came out of the PORG MUN conference in late March: Lukáš Ch. won the award for Best Delegate in the SPECPOL Committee; he was also the youngest delegate overall...
Celebrating students' achievements
The end of term KS3 assembly was a wonderful time to recognise achievements and progress since the winter break.
The assembly celebrated the students working with MUN ...
Swimming lessons for Year 2 &Year 4
Swimming forms a vital part of PE in the National Curriculum. The school has a legal requirement to teach all children water safety and to swim 25m by the time they reach the age of 11. ...
Bake Sale at Prague 1
Last week Year 8 students organised yet another great bake sale. Cakes and goodies of all kinds of flavors were sold over the lunch break and students raised over 1500 CZK for a good cau...
Year 7 Spanish irregular verbs
Spanish students recently learned the conjugation of some irregular verbs. They played "El Cinquillo", a famous Spanish card game. It consists of ordering the conjugation of the differen...
Police Officer Visit at Sibeliova
This week the children in Nursery D and Reception P were lucky enough to have a visit from a local Police Officer. She showed the children a number of dangerous objects which they may co...
International Day at Park Lane
Park Lane International School will be holding their annual International Day on
Saturday 26th May
10:00 – 14:00
Norbertov Campus in Prague 6
Jan Mühlfeit and Kateřina Novotná at Prague 1 campus
We are glad to invite you to a unique presentation by Jan Mühlfeit and Kateřina Novotná which will take place at Hartigovský palác, Thunovsk...
Jakub Cvrček playing together with PKF – Prague Philharmonia
On Sunday 29 April, 2018, a concert of ISMFA students playing together with PKF – Prague Philharmonia took place at the Church of St. Simon and Jude. The event had a great ambiance. The ...
Marco van Gansen winning silver at national fencing tournament!
We are proud to share with you another Marco van Gansen fencing achievement: The silver medal from last Saturday's national fencing tournament. He came second out of 63 competitors from ...
Park Lane International School excelling in all phases of learning
Following a successful application for IB Diploma Programme authorisation, Park Lane International School officially became an IB World School from 1st February 2018 and its first cohort...
Nursery D and Nursery L Picnic Time
The Nursery children had such a lovely time on Wednesday 9th May playing with each other at Sibeliova. This was the second time the Nursery L children have came to visit Nursery D and th...
Mother's Day Coffee Morning on Thursday 10th May
Mother's Day Coffee Morning on Thursday 10th May
Mother Poem
'You gave me love and watched me grow
You'd taught me things, I'd need to know
You co...
Year 4 Trip to Prague Zoo
As part of our unit, ‘Wonderful Wildlife’ Year 4 went to Prague Zoo to record details about the animal enclosures and whether or not they were a suitable environment based on their natur...
Check our Czech!
Promoting Czech language, culture and history has become a nice tradition at the Norbertov campus and on Friday 14th May the children celebrated with a Check your Czech afternoon.
Summer Show at Primary campus
Dear parents,
We would like to invite you to our annual Summer Show taking place in the Norbertov school hall on the following days:
Wednesday 20th June
Residential trip Year 7
The week was packed with awesome activities that required teamwork and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones. The food and accommodation were good and since we were so busy having f...
Budding Authors in Year Six
On Sunday 20th May, three of our Year Sixes made it into the final of a countrywide writing competition. The competition, "Let's Write", hosted by ClassActs, asked entrants to create a s...
Abalone Competition in Year 5
Year 5 children attended the Abalone Competition last week. Max and Sanda (Y5A) along with Daniela and Bartek (Y5K) went to the Abalone competition at the Meridian International School. ...
Golf Success
Well done to Annika in Y6K who finished 4th at the European Championship out of 38 girls from all over the world, including the USA, South Africa, etc. The tournament was held in the his...
Year 3 Residential Trip
Ms Nicola, Ms Jennifer, Mr David, Ms Lucia and Mrs Ioana and thirty happy, but very tired travellers safely arrived back at school at the end of day on Friday, having been in Klíny since...
Annual prize-giving ceremony
We are happy to invite you to Park Lane's Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony in Ledeburská garden (Valdštejnská 14, Prague 1), on June 21. Doors will open for you at 6pm.
COBIS Music competition and festival
Last weekend the COBIS Music competition and festival was held in Madrid. It is my absolute pleasure to announce that our Year 11 student Paul Popovich won the 'Upper Rock Solo' category...
Sports day in Secondary school
Last Friday the Secondary students enjoyed a day full of sports and competitions at SK Aritma.
Despite the very hot weather, the students still managed some stellar performances ...
Sibeliova Garden is Flourishing
Thanks to the efforts of Mr Milos and Mrs Debbie along with the support of the Sibeliova staff and the Nursery D and Reception P children their little garden area is coming to life. The ...
Year 2 Residential
Last week Year 2 went on their residential to Brezova outdoor resort. The children developed their understanding of how to work, cooperate and problem solve togther through a range of ga...
Year 5 Trip to the National Technical Museum
The tip was fabulous. We found out loads of information and found it amazingly interesting. We liked the main room; it was filled with cars, planes, motorcycles but also facts and motors...
Meet and Greet at Primary School
Dear EYFS and Primary Parents and Carers,
The holidays are soon to draw to a close and sadly ‘all good things do have to come to an end’. I am very much looking forward ...
Meet and Greet at Secondary School
Dear Parents of new Park Lane students (Years 7-12),
I hope you are all having a very pleasant summer.
As the new school term is getting closer, I would l...
Welcome picnic for all Park Lane parents at Prague 1
Dear parents,
Please join us to welcome the new school year ! It is a great occasion to meet our teachers and parents, enjoy the afternoon with friends, music, and refres...
Workshop dates at Primary School
Dear parents,
Please, see below the important dates of workshops for parents scheduled this month at Primary School:
Wednesday, Sep 5, 2018 at Norb...
'Becoming Efficient Learners' workshop at Valdštejnská
On September 21st Angela Ressa will be visiting us from the UK to talk to Park Lane parents and staff about a neurodevelopment approach to learning. She will be focusing on learning prof...
A look at Year 5
Year 5 kick started their first topic, ‘Who Let the Gods Out?’, with an exciting hunt around the school for a mythical beast, the minotaur.
By following clues and with th...
Start of the Year in Reception P
Enjoy the photos from the beginning of the year at our Sibeliova campus !
Park Lane Welcome Picnic
Thanks to all parents, students and staff who attended the picnic on Friday. This was the busiest welcome picnic we have had and it was great to see all the different groups of people mi...
Roald Dahl trasure hunt
Last Friday students at Valdstejnska celebrated Roald Dahl’s birthday. Alas the weather was not kind so the Dahl themed scavenger hunt took place in the school grounds. The students were...
Taming the jungle and the greening a wall
The after-school gardening club and the Thursday lunchtime gardening club have made great strides towards reclaiming the flower beds in Valdstejnska. Now the flowers can be seen once aga...
House event Beetle drive
Earn points for your house!
The aim of the game of the Beetle Drive is to be the first player to draw a complete beetle. The body parts are each given a number.
Open Day at all campuses on Thursday 10th October
Dear parents,
We would like to invite you to visit our school campuses during the scheduled Open Day on Thursday 10th October from 10.00am till 3.00pm.
European Languages Day
Join the MFL Department for an evening of family, friends, and movie fun at school.
Celebrate the European Languages Day with us on Wednesday the 26th of September by wat...
Peaceful protest to promote equal rights
Last Friday Year 6 students staged a peaceful protest to promote equal rights between Year 6 and Secondary students. The protest was part of an engaging look into the Year 6 topic 'Fight...
Another great sport achievement by a student of our school
Huge congratulations to Matouš B. in Year 7 and his baseball team Prague Eagles (U 13) for winning the Czech Championship yesterday afternoon. The Eagles have now won all three of the ma...
The 5th digital photography house competition
EYFS & Primary Competition
Theme: The Czech Republic Celebrates 100 years.
Photographs to be given to your class teacher by
Friday 2nd Novem...
October Book fair
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that the beginning of this school year has been going well for everyone. After a summer break of having fun it is now time to get back to ...
Year 3 visiting Traffic Playground
As part of the Czech curriculum in Year 3 we look at Road Safety. To make this vital area of the curriculum memorable we have secured a trip to the nearby traffic playground in Prague 6....
October Activity Days
Dear Friends of Park Lane,
Monday 22nd October to Friday 26th October 2018 will be our half-term holiday. During this holiday period we are planning to provide our 'Activ...
Exploring the changes of Únětický potok
Year 9 and 10 geographers have been busy traveling to the northern outskirts of Prague to the village of Knezeves, at the source of Uneticky Potok and all the way to its mouth, near Such...
First month in the art department
It’s been a busy but exciting first month in the Art Department.
The Year 11s are determined, focussed and hard at work as they are preparing their final scripts.
The Yea...
Optimal brain exercises
A number of the teachers recently took part in a workshop to learn a variety of exercises designed to help our brains work as efficiently as possible. On Wednesday, Mrs. Goodman, Mrs. Jo...
Botanical gardens visit
As part of the 100 years celebration for Czechoslovakia class 6M visited the 'Fairy Tale' exhibition at the Botanical Gardens in Troja. The weather was beautiful: sunny and blue but not ...
Gardening is green and golden
On Friday six girls from Year 6 volunteered to the garden during a golden time. They had great fun weeding and watering and the beds looked much better for their ministrations. Proving t...
Year 3-4 Sport Competition
On Tuesday 9th October Park Lane Year 3 and 4 pupils travelled to Riverside to play football. Both the Year 3 and and Year 4 team played two games with the Year 4 team winning both games...
Reception J Trip to the Botanical Gardens
Reception J had lovely sunshine when they took a trip to the Botanical Gardens last Tuesday. Touring the Botanical Gardens was a treat for the teachers and children and they especially e...
Preliminary steps for university preparation
Understanding the role of the University and Career Advisor and preliminary steps for upper-secondary students as they begin exploring higher education pathways.
In a...
Fall Ball Party Disco at Primary
Dear Primary children
We would like to invite you to a Fall Ball Party Disco at Norbertov 3, Prague 6. Come and join the party, enjoy the face painting and wear a costume...
Stay & Share at Prague 6
At Park Lane we highly value our partnership with parents and our stay and share sessions are a great opportunity for children to share their learning with their parents. Taking place in...
BCC Gala Evening
You are cordially invited to attend the BCC Gala Evening 2018. This event is the British Chamber’s highlight of the year, involving our network of more than 150 of the most respected sen...
Rugby player David S. selected as most valuable player at PYRF
Congratulations to David S. from Year 7 as his rugby team, TATRA Smíchov, won their tournament this weekend. David and his teammates won the Prague Youth Rugby Festival in the 'Under 12'...
International golfing success for Annika K. from Year 7
Many congratulations to Annika, who recently competed in a major European Junior Golf Tournament - the Sotogrande International Young Talents Trophy in Marbella, where she won 1st place ...
Post Bellum workshops
Our Year 8 students recently participated in a specially tailored workshop conducted by non-profit organisation Post Bellum. The workshop was called 'Home and Abroad' and, in a very inte...
Jan Amos Komenský museum visit
Before half term the Year 6 students together with Mr Manny visited the Museum of Jan Amos Komenský, located on the same street as our school as part of the 100 years of Czechoslovakia c...
Poppy Appeal
On the 11th November every year in the UK, people commemorate those who have died in the cause for peace and security in conflicts around the world. Poppies are worn and a service of rem...
Usborne Book Fair at Prague 1 campus
On Friday we will be hosting an Usborne Book Fair. This is a perfect opportunity to buy books to read over the holidays or even buy as Christmas presents. Students will be taken to the L...
Certificates and prizes in MFL
Last Friday, MFL students received their CEFR (language exam) certificates and their prizes for the European Languages Day.
BCC Gala
My amazing Year 12 band 'Matchmakers On Strike' - Emma N., Paul P., Ben J. and Matt R. with two guests from Year 10 and 11 - Jessica S. and Václav H. performed once again at the British ...
11 November: 100 years since the end of the great war
On Friday 9th November at 11am all students and teachers gathered in a huge circle around the Valdstejnska garden in order to commemorate a hundred years since the end of fighting in WWI...
Generation "N" Deutschböhme Goethe Institute film fest
On Wednesday 7th November Year 11 Pre-IB students and Year 12 IB students Mateuz A., Otto B., Bara L., Laura N., Mikulaj J. , Honza O., David D., Kája K., Shunyata L. visited the Goethe ...
Vítkov memorial visit
On 9th November, sixteen Year 10 history students visited the Vitkov Memorial to reflect on both the Centenary of the end of the Great War and the declaration of Czech independence. Stud...
Winter market at Valdštejnská
Dear all
We would like to invite you to our Christmas market on Saturday 8th December from 1.00pm till 7.00pm
As ever, there will be a range of stalls ...
Year 7 students visiting European GNSS agency
On Friday 7P and 7L went to the European GNSS Agency to celebrate November's theme of Space. Our time there was short but we had a lot of fun! We tried out a couple Virtual Reality stati...
Qualifying swim meet for the Czech championships
We would like to congratulate our student Anna N from Year 8 for the following achievements:
Gold medals in: 200m freestyle, 100m backstroke, 4x50m IM relay ...
Teddy Bear hospital
On Tuesday November 13th we had a wondrous afternoon learning all about our bodies and how doctors can help us stay healthy. Medical students from Charles University visited us to show u...
Winter shows at Primary
Dear parents,
We would like to invite you for our annual Primary Winter Shows. Below you can find the schedule of your
child´ s class.
Happy Thanksgiving
Many thanks to everyone who took the time to come along last Thursday morning to celebrate "Thanksgiving". We hope you enjoyed the tasty treats. Thank you to Ms. Jennifer for taking the ...
Dress up day
On Thursday many KS3 students and staff took the opportunity to celebrate Space month by dressing up as their favourite Sci-Fi character, alien or planet. There were some out of this wor...
Students from Years 10-12 attended a debate club in Přerov
Last week, two Park Lane teams set out for Přerov and the Gymnasium Jakuba Škody.
Pitted against teams from across the Czech Republic we debated if nuclear weapons bring more har...
IB DP Scholarship Programme at Park Lane
The IB DP scholarship programme for secondary school students is offered to students wishing to join the IB Diploma Programme, which begins in Year 12 (16-17).
Deadlines ...
Year 1 Stay and Share
Many thanks to everyone who came along to the Year 1 Stay and Share last Tuesday. Year 1T and Year 1L children were eager to share their learning. We hope you enjoyed seeing the work of ...
UNICEF Ambassador Patrik Eliáš at Friday's Assembly
Last Friday, during the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4/5 Assemblies, as part of the PSHEE progamme, the school was visited by Ms Pavla Gomba, the CEO of UNICEF CZ together with the UNICEF A...
Voice of Czechoslovakia
Ms Nicole Madi, a piano teacher to some of our students came one step closer to the finale of Nova television music competition 'The Voice - Czech Republic.' The Nova team came to our sc...
With pride, we present you to the second annual Model United Nations conference hosted by Park Lane International School from 18th till 20th January 2019. This conference is open to all ...
Open Day at the Secondary School
Dear parents and students,
We would like to invite you to come and visit our Secondary School campus at Valdštejnská 151, Praha 1 during the scheduled Open Day on Tues...
IGCSE subject choices evening
Year 9 parents and students recently had the opportunity to discuss forthcoming IGCSE subject choices with teachers. This was a really useful session and allowed students to weigh-up the...
Year 5 Ski Residential
Year 5 have had an wonderful time on their Ski Residential this week. They have taken on challenges, showing resilience and bravery. Amongst a beautiful setting, the children have skied ...
Park Lane Primary Eco-Warriors
At Park Lane we REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE. Ms. Andrea leads our Primary Eco-Warriors and every Monday she shares an important message about how we can look after our environment during o...
EYFS and Primary Art Competition
Art Theme:
Introduce yourself through a piece of art
This could be a self-portrait or a reflection...
ISMFA visited Norbertov on 20th December 2018
It was a great pleasure to be at Norbertov with your students. I hope both children and teachers liked the performance and I hope the musicians gave music inspiration to all.
During this Friday and the weekend, we the pupils, from years 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 engaged in PLISMUN’19. Led by Park Lane students, for many different students - many participants came ...
Project learners filming
Project Learners from 8L & 8I are working on a film about phobias to contribute to the Film Festival in April. The students have created the scripts and scouted out locations. We are in ...
Escape room
On Thursday 24th January, we went on a trip during our Maths lessons to the escape rooms Enigma and Alchemist in I.P. Pavlova. We had a great time, and both of our teams escaped within t...
Ski trip to Zell am See
The Park Lane ski trip returned once again to the beautiful town of Zell am See in the Austrian Alps. For the first three days we skied in beautiful sunny conditions, giving us fantastic...
Park Lane Summer Camp 2019
We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting the Summer Camp this year at Park Lane International School, Prague 5, Nad Bertramkou 10. The Summer program will be open to all chil...
Reception P Trip
Reception P children had fun during a trip to the Terrarium last Wednesday. As part of their ‘Dinosaurs’ topic, they visited Terárium Praha Dubeč. It was a great way for children to lear...
Workshop children online
Digital technology has brought many positives but also a variety of new challenges to our lives, such as the fact that children often prefer online activities to spending time with their...
Chinese New Year in Reception J
Zekai’s Mum, Lili came to visit us in Reception J on February 5th and she taught us how to make traditional dumplings for Chinese New Year. Lili had prepared vegetables and mushrooms for...
Stay and Share
Y4 and Y2 had their 'Stay and Share' sessions last Thursday. It was fantastic to see such a great turn out of parents, thank you very much for your support. During these opportunities it...
On Wednesday 13th February around 100 of our students from Years 7 to 12 had a chance to be wowed and inspired by Dr James Grime. James delivered his famous presentation on Enigma machin...
Great achievement by Honza V.
Last Saturday, Honza V. from Year 12 participated in the Czech Indoor Rowing Championship in Neratovice over a standard 2km rowing distance. This race is the start of the whole journey t...
RE:life presentation on identity during assembly
This week during their PSHEE slot, our Year 7 students were extremely fortunate to have a presentation from a company called Re:life. The aim of the assembly was to increase students' aw...
English speaking board exams
'Loved it', 'Can we do it again?' 'It was really useful'.
These were just some of the comments from pupils after they had completed their English Speaking Board examin...
Year 6 Bake Sale
Year 6 held a Valentine's Bake Sale on Thursday which raised a staggering 7,430 czk! A huge thank you to everyone involved that donated delicious baked goods or bought some to enjoy.
Easter activity days 2019
Dear parents and Carers,
Monday 15th April to Friday 26th April 2019 will be our half-term holiday. During this holiday period we are planning to provide our 'Activity...
Park Lane Young Performers Talent Show 2019
The Park Lane Young Performers Talent Show is a great way to celebrate the performing talents of pupils. It also provides character‐building lessons during auditions, practice and perfor...
ICT Workshop for Parents
Many many thanks to the parents who came along to the ICT workshop held at Prague 5 on Thursday 21st February. Through the workshop the staff answered questions on how to use various sof...
Year 6 learn about the MUN from Year 10 students
At the very end of February, the month dedicated to Model United Nations (MUN) in our school, 6K and 6M learned all about the MUN. 6K’s instructors were Alex K. and Adrian M. from Year 1...
Open Day at Prague 5 campus on March 26
We would like to cordially invite you to come and visit our Prague 5 campus during the scheduled Open Day from 10.00am till 3.00pm.
Our English Preschool accommodates children o...
International maths competition
“Last weekend Paul, Patrik, Mr. Ingham and I went to Vienna for an international maths competition. We had a lot of fun solving difficult maths problems and meeting new and interesting p...
Teddy Bear Hospital visit Sibeliova
The Teddy Bear Hospital came to visit the children last week at Sibeliova. The children had the opportunity to dress up as a surgeon, help a teddy who fell off her bike, discover the org...
The school round of recitation competition
On Friday 15th March, the third school round of the recitation competition was held in the school hall. Three children from every class performed their poem/text in front of their classm...
The Sound of Park Lane 2019
Dear everyone,
Our annual school music extravaganza The Sound of Park Lane 2019 will be held on Wednesday 10th April 2019 at 7 pm at the former St. Anne’s church, at a se...
Park Lane Matinée Classic
Dear Park Lane musical community,
Let me share with you a few words about an inspirational, incredibly well prepared and awesome concert: the Park Lane Matinée Classic. A...
Prague poetic meeting competition 2019
A presentation and a workshop of the best and most inspiring poetry performances was held recently.
Ella K. and Daniela P. from Year 6, after excelling in a school poetry competi...
Music is the Art for the Y6 Ears
To continue the celebrations during March, the Music and Art month, the Year 6 students participated in an Art lesson where both sound and colour were involved.
They had ...
Year 1 Curriculum Enrichment and Transition Day
All the Year 1 boys and girls enjoyed a special day together last Thursday 21st March taking part in a range of fun activities.
Take a look at the photo gallery !
Chapters Day
When we work together in new ways we discover things about ourselves and others that we didn’t know. As a result of the way Chapters Day was organised, teachers presented on their person...
Silent reading
In addition to all the 'Chapters' which took place on Chapters Day, there was a whole-school event which took place immediately after lunch. The entire school fell silent for 45 minutes ...
Poetry Café
Last Thursday, the 3rd annual Poetry Café was held at the Werichova villa. The students had a chance to recite poems to an audience, thereby practicing their public speaking and stage pr...
Maths competition in Malaga
Last weekend a fast and furious group of mathematicians (Zoe Ilinceva, Simon Illincev, Alex Rapala, Ori Goldsthein, Charlotte Comstock and Anicka Karakolevova) visited Aloha College in M...
Arts Alive concert
Dear EYFS and Primary Parents,
I would like to promote and interest you in the Primary Arts highlight of the year namely our Arts Alive concert on Tuesday 7 May 2019 at 1...
International Day
Dear Parents and Carers,
International Day is a whole school community event and a favourite amongst the children and staff! This event takes place at the Norbertov ca...
Chapters day
Chapters Day was a break from the norm and gave students a chance to hear from a variety of presenters on an extremely varied range of topics. A day of workshops, seminars, and activitie...
Horror story contest
Students of Year 8 prepared a writing contest for teachers with the following assignment: Write a Horror story in 50 words. There were about 15 applications and we have the winning piece...
Test your history knowledge
Just before the Easter break, our students prepared an epistemic quiz for a 'British Chamber of Commerce Business Mixer event.' The students did a good job by preparing some very tricky ...
COBIS music festival 2019
The annual COBIS Senior Music competition and festival was held again this past weekend. The hosting school was The British School in the Netherlands and I was in Hague with 10 students ...
Great sporting achievements
Last weekend (May 11th - 12th), David and Jakub S., with their Rugby club Tatra Smíchov, took part in the Gonder Rugby Jugenfestival organised by Frankfurter sports club. The tournament ...
"WORK-IT-OUT" dance event
Last week, our KS3 and KS4 students participated on an all-European dance event “Work-It-Out”. The event was organised by ERIH, a company whose goal is to preserve the European industria...
Check Your Czech Day
Not sure what this means? Well, it has become a tradition at Norbertov for Y5 pupils to prepare a fun afternoon for their younger peers. This annual fun day involves the children moving ...
Park Lane film festival and photo exhibition
Thursday evening marked the 5th annual Park Lane Film Festival. The evening was a combination of pinhole photography and the screening of the winning nominated films. Ms. Edwards' pinhol...
Geography competition
The Park Lane Geography Team successfully defended their crown as Prague's best geographers in last Thursday's 2nd Prague Geography Competition. In a closely fought contest, our team aga...
Wonderful sporting achievements
7 students from Years 9 and 10 had a brilliant day competing in International school tennis and badminton tournament at Karlovy Vary last Friday. Kristina, Zoe, Natalie and Selina repres...
Mr Jan Švejnar and Mr Josef Zieleniec at Park Lane
The British Chamber of Commerce cordially invites you to attend an Afternoon Tea with Mr. Jan Švejnar and Mr. Josef Zieleniec. Our distinguished guests will be discussing the current eco...
Y6 Residential
We were so lucky to have had a week full of sunshine and enjoyment. The sunshine just made all of our fun experiences that much better.
On Tuesday, we had a WW2 day, where we wer...
EYFS Elmer Day
Elmer day was an elephant sized success. It was wonderful to have all of Park Lane’s youngest pupils altogether on one site. The children enjoyed an exciting range of activities led by d...
Well done Jakub!
Jakub recently took part in two tennis tournaments in Florida, Delray Beach and Boca Raton. Both tournaments were for the U12 championships. Jakub played with boys who were a year older....
Park Lane's end-of-year celebration
Dear parents,
We would like to invite you to our Park Lane's end-of-year celebration on Thursday June 20th at Martinický palace, Hradčanské nám. 67/8, 118 00 Praha 1....
Butterfly Exhibition
We visited the botanical garden because in Science we are learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. During the tour, we saw every step of the life cycle of a butterfly, for example w...
Y3 Residential
This term Year 3 went on their residential to the mountain resort of Kliny in the northwest of the Czech Republic. During the trip the children were engaged in activities ranging from mi...
Nursery Trip to the Park
Last Tuesday, Nursery L walked to a local park. They enjoyed the hot summers day running around and playing on the equipment. When Mr David joined them, they played a number of games and...
Prague Zoo
Nursery D and Reception P had a lovely time visiting the Zoo last week. Although it was a very hot day, the children and staff were surprisingly comfortable due to the route having so mu...
NASA trip
Twenty four students from Years 7 - 10 returned from NASA last week. While there, they saw many real spacecraft including the Saturn V and Space Shuttle Atlantis. They completed an Astro...
Learning Without Borders Week
Learning Without Borders Week: 24 – 27 June 2019
We are very pleased to announce the introduction of a Learning Without Borders Week (LWBW) for our students in years 7 – ...
End of year activities in MFL
French Breakfast: J’ai faim!
As part of their lesson on the topic of 'Food' and being lucky with the fine weather, last Monday Year 7 French students had their breakfast ...
YEAR 8 teaching YEAR 10
Last week, Peggy and Josh produced and delivered an excellent presentation in French about Humanitarian and Charity organisations as one of the components of the IGCSE topic ‘The world a...
YEAR 9 visiting LE GRAND JEU
Friday's big game with Year 9 students took place in the National Gallery in the Valdštejnská jízdárna. Students listened to the commented excursion for the Josef Šíma exhibition called:...
DOFE gold award expedition to HIGH TATRAS
Our first Gold Duke of Edinburgh group has just returned from their assessed expedition in the Vysoké Tatry region of Slovakia. They trekked for approximately 70km over the course of 4 d...
DOFE silver award expedition to Šumava
From 15th to 17th June, thirteen students from Years 10 and 11 completed their Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Silver Expedition. After travelling to Šumava by train, they spent ...
Park Lane student publishes his first book
This week Simon (9L) published what I hope will be the first of many books. His first book is titled: The Trilogic World.
“One extraordinary boy embarks on a quest against evil i...
Happy summer holidays !
Dear Park Lane Community,
As we approach the last days of term it is time for me to reflect back on the last year.
We have had another busy but rewarding ...
Welcome picnic at Valdštejnská
Dear parents,
Please join us to welcome the new school year!
It is a great occasion to meet our teachers parents and enjoy the afternoon with frien...
Under Construction
Under Construction
Zkušení článek 2
Obsah článku 2 ...
Team Building Trips in Secondary
During the 3rd week in Term 1, our secondary students will have an opportunity to participate in an overnight team building trip outside of Prague, in a beautiful Sázava location. This t...
2019 IGCSE exam results
We are delighted to inform the school community about the Cambridge IGCSE exam results of our current Year 12 students (the graduating Class of 2021) who have now started their IB Diplom...
Great news in the Music department
Grand Piano Steinway & Sons / Essex
One of the best days of my summer holiday was spent in Plzen. It wasn't the beer that made my day unique. It was a showroom of the gre...
European Day of Languages
Park Lane MFL department is proud to announce a week of language activities inspired by the European Day of Languages. Beginning on the 26th, pupils will have a chance to take part in so...
October Activity Days
Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October 2019 will be our half-term holiday. During this holiday period we are planning to provide our 'Activity Days' from Monday the 21st to Thursday ...
Family Fun and Fitness Day at Vista Resort
The first-ever 'Family Fun and Fitness Day' at Vista Resort was, despite the bad weather forecast, a real success. Over a hundred people visited the venue and enjoyed a variety of sporti...
Photography Competition at Letná Park
Two weeks ago Year 7 and 8 students went to Letná Park to see an exhibition entitled 'Water and Civilization'. The exhibition was followed by a photography competition. The students had ...
Book Fair at Park Lane
We will be holding a Book Fair for Secondary on 17 -18 October.
The fair is organised by Mrs. Zoë Vobořilová of Edu Create. She will bring books from a range of catalogue...
Year 13 visiting Milan Kundera exhibition
In their Czech literature lessons, our Year 13 students have been reading the famous novel "The Joke" by Milan Kundera. On Thursday 9 October they had an opportunity to visit an exhibiti...
First Aid Training PSHEE
This year the Year 8 PSHEE September sessions were all about first aid response and first aid training. Students had the opportunity to learn the EMS summer break statistics for July and...
Fall Ball disco at Norbertov
Come and join the party, wear a costume if you wish! All pupils are invited as well as family and friends!
Friday 8th November 5-6pm (Year 1 and Year 2)
Winter Market at Valdštejnská on 14th December
Dear parents and carers,
We are happy to announce that Park Lane is organising the 7th Winter Market at Valdštejnská campus on Saturday 14th December from 12 o'clock t...
Pohádka Art Centre and Café
Our Pohadka Art building has seen a wonderful creative start and the students have settled into their new Visual Arts centre very quickly.
This exciting move has allow...
Stories by Candlelight
Wednesday evening saw the Learning Centre transformed into a magical, pumpkin-filled kingdom fit for very special creatures from Year 6. The costumes were super-scary, and each teacher c...
Pavel Žáček visiting Valdštejnská campus
On 15 October KS3 students had the honour to meet Pavel Žáček, journalist and politician, who was personally involved in the important events during the revolutionary year 1989 and he sh...
Year 9 Students visit Photography Exhibition "Jan Šibík 1989"
All Year 9 students went to the Old Town Hall last Wednesday to visit a photography exhibition: "Jan Šibík 1989". Not only did they have a chance to see fascinating black and white image...
Feliz Día de Los Muertos!
While Halloween is a dark night of jump scares and creepy costumes, the Day of the Dead is a two-day celebration, chock-full of vivid decorations and intimate traditions. Even the skulls...
MUN 2019 in Warszaw: Park Lane delegates bring home 5 awards!!!
Last week, 13 Park Lane students represented our school at waw MUN 2019 in Warszaw. Although many of them were beginners, they came away with a lot of useful experience as well as 5 awar...
Year 4 Egyptian Day
At the beginning of the year, Year 4 were set the challenge of creating their very own Egyptian museum in their classrooms. Over the course of the last 7 weeks they have then spent time ...
Annual Winter Shows at Norbertov
Dear parents,
We would like to invite you to our Annual Winter Schow performances at Norbertov on the following days:
Tuesday 10th December
Learning cetre updates
To mark the 30th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, the Learning Centre and the primary stairs are decorated with Havel signature hearts. The displayed keys are a mix of paper, poster...
November 1989 in the Streets of Prague
In this exhibition Year 7 students learned about the events leading to the restoration of the democracy in Czechoslovakia. Pupils worked both individually and in groups with historical s...
Park Lane hosting Czech Debate Association's English Debate League
Park Lane will be hosting the Second Round of the Czech Debate Association's English Debate League from Friday 14th - 16th February. Teams from across the Czech Republic including Park L...
London conference reflections
Last week a small group of Year 11 and 12 students had a chance to participate in the ‘Maths and Computing in Action’ conference in London. From entertaining lectures by Oxford mathemati...
Year 10 students visit National Memorial
On Friday afternoon, Year 10 history students visited the National Memorial on Vítkov Hill. As part of their IGCSE course, students are studying new European states after WW1 and also th...
Christmas Market at the Senate featuring Park Lane's bands
The Midlife Crisis, The Spring, and The Metanova, our school's bands performed yesterday at the Christmas market organised by Charity Fund 'Act For Others' in the Senate.
I'm hap...
Loučeň Castle
On Tuesday, Year 2 went on a wonderful trip out of Prague to Loucen Castle. Here we were able to see what a real life castle looks like outside and then we got to explore inside too. We ...
Stay and Share
Last Friday we welcomed the Year 2 parents to come and see our learning journey since the beginning of the year. Parents were able to see our wonderful picture books that we had written ...
Stay and Share
Last Friday we welcomed the Year 2 parents to come and see our learning journey since the beginning of the year. Parents were able to see our wonderful picture books that we had written ...
Friday Assembly with special guest Hana R.
Last Friday during the KS 3 Assembly, Mr Ingarfield took the time to give high praise to one student in particular from Year 12. Hana R was given this public praise due to her exceptiona...
Scottish dancing at Park Lane
Year 7 are reading 'A Christmas Carol,' in English and Miss Baranski wanted to help the students get a flavour for life in Victorian times, so the students all made Victorian-style Chris...
Celebrating 5th December
Mikuláš, the Angel and the Devil pleasantly surprised all twelve classes at Norbertov and then travelled down to Sibeliova and enjoyed meeting our little Nursery and Reception children. ...
Open Day at all campuses on 30th April
We cordially invite you to come and visit all our school campuses during the scheduled Open Day from 10.00am till 3.00pm.
Thursday April 30th 2020
Pre-Nursery class opening in September 2020
We would like to inform you that Prague 5 (Nessie) site will re-open a new Pre-Nursery classroom for boys and girls of the age 1.5+ years. The site will continue to have classes in the N...
PLISMUN 23-26 January
The biggest event of the week is PLISMUN, which is a nearly 100% student-led Model United Nations conference that will take place at our school on January 23rd-26th.
KS3 ski trip at Zell am See
What a fantastic trip we had this year! Once again the KS3 ski trip headed to Zell am See in the Austrian Alps. We arrived late on the Friday evening after an afternoon in Salzburg and t...
Hall of Fame
Congratulations to Jakub and Marek S! The brothers played in their first official tournament together and won!
Jakub played in the "A" category tournament in Prostejov last weeke...
Online entrance exams for secondary students on 19th March
Secondary assessment (pupils aged 11 – 18)
Our 3rd session of entrance exams for secondary students will be held online on Thursday 19th March, 2020.
STEAM Day for Year 5 and Year 6 classes
On Thursday 30th January 100 students from Year 5 and Year 6 participated in the STEAM day at our Valdštejnská campus. Our dedicated team of specialist teachers delivered sessions rangin...
PTA Ceramics Evening
Thank you to all the parents and staff who attended Prague 5's PTA Ceramics Evening. We had a wonderfully cozy time, painting cups and working with clay. Many mums made uniquely decorate...
Trip to the Fire Station
The Reception children had a wonderful visiting a Fire Station on Wednesday 29th January. During this visit the children had fun learning about firefighters, their duties, the special cl...
Year 11 Students visited Václav Havel library
On January 30th, students from the Year 11 Czech class visited the Václav Havel Library where they enjoyed a very interesting exhibition about Václav Havel, a writer, dissident and forme...
IGCSE and IB music recordings in the Music hall
Last Friday, we spent a really nice time with our Y11 and 13 students recording their coursework for the upcoming exams. We heard an assortment of solo and group piano, guitar, vocals, a...
Our summer camp 2020
We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting the Summer Camp this year at Park Lane International School, Prague 6, Norbertov 3. The Summer program will be open to all children c...
Chapters day
On Chapters Day, scheduled on Thursday February 13, students will have the opportunity to choose their own learning paths for the day, with a huge variety of 'Chapters' available to imme...
Year 1 visit the HOP Arena
All three Year 1 classes had a fantastic time at HOP Arena as part of their ‘Superheroes’ topic on Wednesday 29th of January. The children had the opportunity to test out their own super...
Wellbeing Day
Last week we coordinated our third wellness day of the year to link in with Children's Mental Health Week. The theme of this year's Children’s Mental Health Week was; Find your Brave. Li...
U8 Praha Football Competition
On 29th January a mixture of Year 2 and 3 pupils represented Park Lane at the U8 Football Praha competition at Petriny. Our first team won three games out of seven with memorable goals f...
Great results in the water!
The following students had a great day on the 3rd of February representing Park Lane at the ISAAP swimming competition. All students displayed excellent resilience and were strong compet...
The Wings of Art
We are very proud that our students took part in a great charity event earlier this month which raised almost a quarter of a million CZK.
The art exhibition organised for NGO Doc...
Six million reasons for Year 6 to celebrate!
Wow! The half-term holiday saw Year 6 surge with their reading. In one week Henry 6K reached three million words, Olivia 6M reached two million words and Max also from 6M reached his one...
Covid-19 (novel coronavirus)
Covid-19 (novel coronavirus)
Park Lane’s Covid-19 response team has devised an action plan to address four levels of risk:
Level 1 – Low Risk
Level 2 – Mo...
Latest news regarding COVID-19
Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Colleagues,
As many of you will already have heard, the Czech government is closing all primary and secondary schools in the CR from to...
Distance Learning Plan operational from 11th March 2020
Dear Secondary Pupils & Parents/Carers,
Please find below a link to Park Lane’s Distance Learning Plan for the Secondary School. This is operational from 11th March 2...
Primary Distance Learning Plan for Year 1 - Year 6
Dear Primary Parents and Carers,
We are now sharing the first piece of communication with respect to our Primary Distance Learning Plan for Year 1 - Year 6.
Our Admissions Team is here to help guide you through all steps of our application process
Our Admissions Team is here to help guide you through all steps of our application process.
The application process involves these steps:
Primary s...
Park Lane Principal on the launch of Distance Learning
It has always been my strong belief that teaching is a vocation. Indeed, I have often found that teachers who do not share this belief and mentality do not last very long in our professi...
Would you like to join Park Lane ?
If you are interested in our programme, join us remotely via ZOOM platform.
You will have the opportunity to virtually follow our presentation of Early Years, Primary and...
Tune our Park Lane Radio !
We have the pleasure to announce that for the first time ever we are streaming live from our own Park Lane radio!
Park Lane radio is focused on KS1 and KS2 pupils mainl...
Park Lane Library On Wheels
Dear Park Lane Community,
We are very pleased to announce another project to further enhance our Distance Learning Programme and reduce screen time. Within the next co...
Thank You for filling
Thank you for comleting our google form. We look forward to meeting you online.
With our ...
El tiempo en el mundo
Our Y12 Spanish ab initio students are working now on the IB theme of 'Sharing the Planet'. They are learning vocabulary and structures related to the weather and, last week, they predic...
Thankful Thursday
As a part of the PSHEE programme, Secondary students enjoyed their second 'Wellness Day' on Thursday last week with the themes of gratitude and giving back to others. Entitled 'Thankful ...
From Park Lane to Yale and beyond
By Paul Ingarfield
I am delighted to inform our readers that Honza V. (Year 13P) has accepted an offer to study for a Business and Economics degree at Yale University. Ho...
Art Projects Club
Let's get inspired by masterpieces and create our very own. 45 min of playing with lines, shapes, dots and colours, different shades and textures, brushes, paint, pastels, scissors, glue...
Photography club
For the last month, we have been exploring the basics of photography such as composition and lighting as well as some different photographic techniques. During the first week of the East...
Sketching club
In the first session the children learned to find the simple shapes inside the objects (for example seeing the circle in the apple). Then they started practising it with the objects they...
Klárov site developments for 2020-2021
Older students and staff (of all ages) will be pleased to hear that we are planning to create two new classrooms on the right-hand side of the Klárov courtyard in place of the parking ba...
Poetry Café
I was privileged to be invited to a Zoom session with more than 70 Year 8 students and 7 teachers (including the Mr Ingarfield and Ms Warne) in attendance. We were convened to listen to ...
CAS Achievements
As a proud CAS coordinator, I have to say that more than half of our Y13 students have already successfully fulfilled all expectations and reached 'completed' in CAS, and the rest of the...
Matt Parker's Math's Puzzles great achievement by Sebi O.
The maths department would like to extend huge congratulations to Sebastian O. of 8I who has reached the top 200 in Matt Parker's Maths Puzzles website! Matt Parker is of "Numberphile" f...
Library On Wheels operation
We are so pleased that many of our students have taken up the opportunity to get new books from Park Lane's very own "Library on Wheels."
A huge thank you to the Park ...
Park Lane Parents on Distance Learning
Pouze redirect na
Astronomical Code
Are you ready to take on an adventure? Do you want to explore the secrets of ancient Prague while solving riddles, codes and puzzles?
The Magister's Code is a treasure hu...
Park Lane first Graduation Ball
For the past year, the Y13 Graduation Ball committee (Mariana A., Míša M., Adele K. and Filip L.) has been planning the first-ever Park Lane Graduation Ball. The school board has been ve...
COBIS Student Achievement Awards 2020
Our sincere congratulations to Leonela N (13L) and Peggy E (9I) - the deserving recipients of the COBIS Student Achievement Award 2020.
Both students were nominated by th...
Work of the Month
Berenika N (Y9L) Globalisation investigation - what are the impacts of globalisation on Prague?
Berenika has been incredibly engaged and proactive in researching, coll...
PE Virtually? Yes, it is possible:)
‘Virtual PE’ got off to a good start with students from Years 7-10 last week. Their challenge was to create and complete their own obstacle course either indoors or outdoors. All student...
Primary writing competition 2020
Congratulations to the winning writers. Miss Iris found it very difficult to choose the winning entries but finally a decision was made and certificates will be given to everyone who par...
Mr Paul Ingarfield on CNN Prima News
Our principal, Mr Paul Ingarfield, was a guest on CNN Prima News this week! In the discussion on maths as a mandatory matriculation subject, Mr Ingarfie...
New instruments in the Secondary Science department
Our secondary science students will be pleased to hear that the governing board had been in discussion with our science leaders to make some investment plans to further enhance Park Lane...
Library on wheels still running
“Library on wheels, we’ve just arrived, we are standing in front of your house… Sure… See you in a bit!”
A smile is on my face since the mother of our First-grader sounde...
Patrik Eliáš for Forbes Česko on Distance Learning Programme
From NHL star to home teacher
Two-time Stanley Cup winner Patrik Eliáš spent 11 seasons in the NHL and retired as a legend with the New Jersey Devils. Since finishing ...
The Astronomical Code Treasure Hunt has its first winners!
Last weekend the weather was favourable so some of our Park Lane Families took the adventurous trip to find the treasure Park Lane had prepared for them. See for yourselves what they sai...
Wellbeing Wednesday organised by Student Council
Last week the Student Council organised the first student-led wellbeing day. Both students and teachers participated in completing a wide array of original activities, such as recording ...
Primary pupils back at school
Last week it was great to welcome our Primary pupils back at school. The pupils, although slightly more quie...
Park Lane Graduation Ceremony 2020
Graduation Ceremony 2020 – SAVE THE DATE !
We are delighted to announce that the Graduation ceremony for the Park Lane Class of 2020 will be going ahead before the sum...
An awesome PE project by Natalie K in Year 7 "Fitness Monopoly"
Fitness Monopoly is an activity to be used during the fitness unit of physical education, or whenever you please!
Green spots indicate Cardirespiratory activities, the bl...
Big Success of Park Lane in inteGirls International Maths Competition!
News from the Maths Dept:
During the weekend of May 30-31, the team of our Y9 girls (Peggy, Anna K, Laura K, Laura S) took part in the inteGIRLS international maths co...
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Journey
"Well done to the 10 students from Year 10 who participated in the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Practice Journey this weekend. They overcame the adverse conditions (intense heat on Sat...
German short films by our students
Year 7, 8 and 10 German students furthered their filmmaking skills during the last part of the summer term. Their achievements are all the more impressive as they have been on the DLP si...
Guided tour around the historic parts of Prague
Last week some of our students took a guided tour to the most famous, as well as lesser-known parts and monuments of historical Prague.
The walk included visits to the most impor...
French DELF Tests
DELF is an official diploma of studies in French issued by the French Ministry of National Education. There are 4 diplomas corresponding to the first 4 levels described by the CEFR: DELF...
Magister Kelly Treasure Hunt by Park Lane
Are you ready to take on an adventure? Do you want to explore the secrets of ancient Prague while solving riddles, codes and puzzles?
The Magister's Code is a treasure...
Year 6 Graduation
It was wonderful to be able to gather face to face for our Year 6 Graduation. The special celebration shared how special we all are as a school and how far we have all come on this journ...
Summer camp reflections
Little Stars
Had a fabulous first week enjoying lots of activities including parachute games, Mini Olympics horse riding and much more. We had a fabulous trip to Zoo Drtinova whe...
Photos from our 1st ever Graduation Ball
On Friday 26th June 2020 at Palace Žofín we had our first ever Graduation Ball. The event was truly spectacular !
Below you can read a few lines from our Principal Mr ...
Park Lane opens on September 1st
Dear everyone,
We hope that you have all had a safe, happy and relaxing summer break despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic. We look forward to welcoming all ...
Very successful IGCSE results 2020
The IGCSE results of students in last year's Year 11 were some of the very best seen by Park Lane. There was a 100% pass rate across the school with 53% of all grades being either A* or ...
New Teaching and Learning space at Klárov
Our students at the Klárov site can now enjoy the use of two brand new classrooms for their science and computing lessons. Designed to optimise the fo...
PTA events
At Park Lane International School we pride ourselves on being a small and caring school with parents, pupils and staff working in partnership to create a happy and friendly community.
Stay connected
You continue to be an essential member of our Park Lane community and we want to hear from you!
Outstanding IB Diploma and Cambridge IGCSE results
We heartily congratulate our Year 13 and Year 11 pupils for achieving splendid IB Diploma and Cambridge IGCSE results this summer. We are extremely proud of our pupils, who, despite the ...
House Event - The Beetle Drive
A highlight last week was our very first EYFS and Primary House Event of this academic year - The Beetle Drive. The children divided into their different houses and worked together in gr...
The Class of 2020’s university destinations
We would like to congratulate our class of 2020 on their outstanding IB Diploma results and sincerely hope they will continue to thrive and prosper at university and beyond.
Open days in April
Open Days on Thursday 15th and 22nd April
at Primary school (age group 2-10 years)
To learn more about our curriculum and the admissions...
Hall of Fame
Congratulations our talented show jumper, Sofie S from 7L who came 1st in the Nations Cup recently.
Well done Sofie, you are a fine addition to our sporting Hall of Fame!
Update from the MFL department
Every year at the end of September, the European Day of Languages (EDL) is an opportunity to celebrate the importance of reaching and understanding each other by communicating via the us...
German department achievements
Congratulations to Šimon H. for passing the Goethe Institut B1 exam. This year the initial exam was cancelled due to Covid-19 and we are delighted that Šimon showed the resilience to con...
Work of the Month
Huge congratulations to Barbora H., Isabella H: and Margueret (Peggy) E. for the incredible cell models they made in biology. Their task was to design a 3D model of a cell showing shape ...
Distance Learning & Hybrid Classrooms at Park Lane
With the Czech government’s latest Covid-19 control measures extending to Monday 2nd November for all schools other than kindergartens, Park Lane’s dedicated teachers are once again doin...
‘Self-portrait in a face mask’ Art Competition
This year’s theme ‘Self- portrait in a face mask’ of the Art Competition is very popular among children.
We have already received so many thoughtful and lovely entries an...
Great success of Primary children
About two years ago, primary school children from several classes throughout the country took part in a call from the Albatros publishing house which was seeking authentic contributions ...
Library on wheels is running again
We are happy to announce that the Park Lane Library On Wheels is running again!
Our primary and secondary school librarians have carefully selected a range of popular boo...
Halloween dress up Zoom
Before the October Half Term pupils were learning through their Distance Learning Programme. We all miss being in school and would love to come back as soon as possible. To keep the spir...
Weekly Focus: DLP at Year 6
In Year 6 the pupils have been working on the following:
Mathematics: comparing and ordering fractions; adding and subtracting fractions using the butterfly ...
Extreme Environments in Year 5
Year 5 have been preparing presentations on the topic of Antarctica as part of our new unit on Extreme Environments. The children have been finding out about the climate, plants and anim...
Our students‘ podcasts: The Magiradio & The Legit Guys
We have the pleasure to announce that some of our Year 12 students are organizing two new weekly radio shows and live streaming for students, parents and teachers!
'The M...
Stone Age in Střešovice
Year 3 children went to see the local rocks at Střešovice. It is a fragment of a once massive rock massif, destroyed over a thousand years by mining a...
UKMT Senior Maths Challenge
On Wednesday 4th November, sixteen of our top mathematicians in Y12 and Y13 sat the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge. The Senior Mathematical Challenge is a 90-minute, multiple-choice competi...
Park Lane Family Fitness Challenge
Park Lane Family Fitness Challenge
Start: 23rd November
End: 15th December
Challenge rules:
Choose an...
Primary School Council
Our School Council had the first meeting in November. Meetings take place once a week, helped by the Deputy Head of EYFS and Primary, Miss Nicola Wardlaw. The School Council benefits the...
World Science Day Escape Room results
Congratulations to all the students who participated in the World Science Day Escape Room last week, it was a huge success. Many students from all key stages participated, with the winni...
Shoebox Donation
December is slowly coming and Christmas too; time and opportunity to bring a little bit of joy to children who are less fortunate and may not be getting many/any Christmas presents, is h...
KS 4&5 Work of the Month for November
Congratulations to Kryštof H. and Laura K. (both Year 10) for a fantastic open-ended task on elements. They worked very hard to produce a video on the Noble gases. The video featured ani...
A Meeting of Past and Present
The students of 7P impressed me hugely this week with the incredible castle models they made on the Screen-Free Days. Last week, the students presented their models of medieval castles t...
Music and Art Day at Sibeliova
Music and Art Day
One lovely afternoon at Sibeliova, Nursery and Reception had lots of jolly moments during collaborative Music and Art. They used their fantastic express...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Dear Park Lane Community,
What a year we have had, but as we move towards the end of it we can reflect on what a huge amount we have learnt. We have learnt that it is our...
Family Fitness
Physical movement and exercise is closely linked to increasing health, brain function and better achievements in learning. To encourage our students to be active last term, a Family Fitn...
CAS at Park Lane 2020
“If you believe in something, you must not just think or talk or write, but must act.”
(Peterson 2003)
CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) is a core component ...
MUN conference at Park Lane in January
The MUN is a simulation of work done within the United Nations. During a conference, students from different backgrounds gather to discuss issues the world faces on a daily basis; delega...
Work of the month
Park Lane art students who shows the greatest effort in creating a project on a given subject receive the award ‘Work of the Month’.
Huge congratulations again to Barb...
Celebrating 'The Three Kings' on our campuses
This year, our school celebrated the arrival of 'The Three Kings' a little bit differently.
With all the students at home, we were afraid they would not come, but as you can see ...
Winter writing competition at Primary
We would like to congratulate to the following winners of the writing competition.
The task was: Write a magical story set in winter. You can create your own characters o...
Year 1 Art and Music
Year 1 pupils at Norbertov enjoyed a lovely Art and Music afternoon creating artwork to the tempo of the music. Children are drawing using a variety of media, such as oil and soft pastel...
Cambridge & Oxford Summer School Essay Competition
We are delighted to inform you that the judges of Cambridge & Oxford Summer School Essay Competition selected our student Zoe I. to receive a partial scholarship of 20% to take part in o...
Park Lane student Jan Vacek at Yale
Having recently completed his first semester at Yale university, New Haven, he is enthusiastic about his studies, the immense campus and, of course, the renowned rowing team.
Art Mock exams
The Year 11 mock exams got underway this week with the Art & Design 8-hour mock exam. The students were tasked with creating a large, A2 final piece for their coursework as a practice fo...
Rube Goldberg machine
In physics the students were tasked with a creative challenge to demonstrate their understanding of energy transfers. They had to make their own Rube Goldberg machine - a machine intenti...
PLISMUN'21 Conference Reel
Please see the list of the PL winners of Best Delegate and Honourable Mention at PLISMUN and enjoy the video.
Big congratulations to all of them and thanks for all the ha...
Park Lane's GPS Art Contest
Park Lane's GPS Art Contest
The time has come to start another Park Lane adventure. The world OUTSIDE is waiting for you. Enough time spent in front of the computer scree...
Work of The Month January
I have nominated Lucienne E. for work of the month for her excellent effort on her Castle Project. It was very difficult for me to pick only one castle project because there were several...
Happy Half Term & Off-Screen Break!
Dear parents, carers and all members of the Park Lane Community,
We would like to wish you a peaceful, and as the title suggests, an off-screen half term break.
Challenge and Potential activities
Check our Challenge and Potential website !
Below you can find some events and courses that our students might be interested in this month to challenge and develop the...
Czech lesson visited by translator Mr Kolár
Ve čtvrtek 25. února se třídy Czech A HL a Czech a SL setkaly s panem Kolárem. V současné době probíráme divadelní hru Tři sestry a pan Kolár, autor současného překladu tohoto díla, je s...
National Cipher Challenge
Huge congratulations to Lukáš Ch., who managed to reach 2nd place in the University of Southampton's National Cipher Challenge. Each year, thousands of top A-level and IB students in com...
Park Lane student published his 2nd book
Simon Ilincev is a voracious reader, passionate writer and has entered several small writing competitions successfully. He published his first novel, The Trilogic Worlds: The Fictional W...
First Ever NTK Webinar for Parklane EE Students
On Friday 5th March, Year 12 EE students were able to polish their academic research skills in a special Park Lane webinar run by the Prague National Technical Library NTK and organised ...
British Physics Olympiad's Challenge
Lukáš, Nick, Deniz and Ollie (Year 12) all took part in the British Physics Olympiad's Senior Physics Challenge last week. The competition involved two very demanding papers that allowed...
Mother Tongue Day Competition
Last Friday was the deadline for entries for our Mother Tongue Day Competition. International Mother Tongue Day is celebrated every year on 21st February and it is an occasion to talk ab...
Post Bellum project
A group of our Year 12 students (Anna A., Sonia F., Marsha H., Tereza H and Emma E.) have cooperated since September with the organisation Paměť národa (Post Bellum) and the fruit of the...
Nursery and Reception children
The Nursery and Reception children/parents here at Prague 5 have done a wonderful job. Settling into the new routine of our Distance Learning. Working alongside parents/teachers this wee...
World Book Day at Year 2
What a whirlwind of a week! Year 2 are back on DLP and putting in excellent effort as usual. We have been tackling division and multiplication in Maths, starting a new English topic- wri...
Various activities in Year 1
1A have had a fantastic first week on the DLP. All children have been attending their Zoom sessions every day as well as their specialist Zooms for Czech, PE, Music, Art and ICT. In Engl...
Park Lane Marathon 2021
March 10 to April 30
This event is not just about running, but you can participate in various sporting activities. All you need to do is to exercise and mark your achieve...
Great results in Czech Debate Association
A huge congratulations to team 'idk' who finished in a magnificent second place in the third round of the Czech Debate Association English speaking debate league. This is a competition f...
German students making documentary films
Earth Day - April 22nd 2021
Join over 1 billion participants around the world. Some PL students have already started making a difference. Year 10 German students have ...
Park Lane Marathon
This event is not just about running, but you can participate in various sporting activities. All you need to do is to exercise and mark your achievem...
Table tennis tournament
Monday 15th till Thursday 18th February 2021, from 8 AM until 4 PM, at Valdštejnská site (assembly hall).
How to register? Please fill i...
Magister Kelly
My name is Magister Kelly
Are you ready to take on an adventure? Do you want to explore the secrets of ancient Prague whil...
Library on Wheels during Easter
Even during the Easter break, you can order books to keep you company. So do not miss your chance and place an order here.
Library on Wheels: Our school bu...
Under the Sea
The children from Sibeliova are working so hard at home. Each week they have been presented with a new theme and short carpet times are offered twice a day - these introduce key aspects ...
CAS at Park Lane during the 2020/2021 pandemic
CAS, an acronym for CREATIVITY, ACTIVITY and SERVICE is one of the core components of the IB Diploma Programme and the most practical part of the IB study. Students are encouraged to dis...
Park Lane Summer Camp
We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting the Summer Holiday Activity Program this year at Park Lane International School, Prague 6, Norbertov 3. The Summer holiday program wi...
British Biology Olympiad
Our current Year 13 students have had many hurdles to overcome this year, but those that they opt to tackle remind me how fortunate I am to work with such dedicated students. In March, t...
The Sticks at Sibeliova
Sibeliova are very excited about the new family which has joined us...The Sticks!
The children and staff are huge fans of Julia Donaldson and one of their favourite books...
COBIS Key Stage 3 Art competition
The Art department is delighted to announce that Elisha I. in 9I received the runner-up placement for the COBIS Key Stage 3 Art competition with her painting based on the theme 'Connecti...
Smile, Easter celebration
Our Smile team decided to support the orphanage house in Dolní Počernice despite the Covid pandemic lockdown. The team, lead by Jessica S. and our graduate student Emma N. wrote:
12 Labours of Heracles
It was great to see the teaching staff and pupils in Year 2 and Year 3 return to Norbertov for the in school learning this week and the staff in Nursery and Reception are delighted to we...
Wonderful composition by an IB Music student
I would like to introduce to you another wonderful composition by an IB Music program student Václav H. from 12P is using FL Studio software which enables him to compose and produce musi...
Great achievement: Jakub S
Congratulations to Jakub S. (Year 12), who has already secured his place at Charles University to study Computer Science!
Although Kuba is still only 16 years old and hasn’t deci...
Hunt around the playground at Sibeliova
Last week during their ICT lesson the pupils at Sibeliova went on a hunt around the playground looking for flowers and any bugs they could find. Their task was to photograph any and all ...
Tremors in Year 4
Whilst at school the Year 4’s started a new topic Tremors which the boys and girls continued to explore more during our distance learning week. The children had many opportunities to lea...
Colours of Charity: Under the sea
The Colours of Charity organisation was formed directly due to the success of the Wings of Art project. The two goals of this organisation are to raise money exclusively for the Doctors ...
Story mapping in Year 9
Year 9 geography students have been working on ArcGIS StoryMaps recently with some truly astounding results.
Students were tasked with investigating the future sustainability of ...
Work of the Month: April
Bára H. and the rest of Year 9 recently learned about Surrealism and produced a Surrealist environment based on the work of Anthony Green and René Magritte.
The unit skills taugh...
First international cooking competition
On Thursday 13th May, Park Lane took part in their very first international cooking competition! The Year 5 group of pupils worked so well together and had a fantastic time! They made a ...
Pohádka IB Art Exhibition opening on June 10th
Open from 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm, Pohádka is hosting its first IB exhibition on June 10th and you are warmly invited to join our event. Come along and support our talented young artists d...
Y13 Farewell party
On Friday afternoon, 21st of May, the Y13 students were invited to meet with their teachers informally and to celebrate the end of their after-Easter programme. All students also receive...
Park Lane Guitarist and songwriter
Last Sunday evening, I received a YouTube link with a set of songs composed by our Year 9 student Jan D. I was listening to the songs composed using Ableton software; using MIDI and self...
Post-IB Chemistry Covid Presentations
For our Post-IB project in Chemistry, the students researched some of the potential treatments currently under investigation for Covid 19. They had plenty of freedom to look into whateve...
British International Youth Music Competition
Dear musicians and parents,
I would like to offer you an opportunity to take part in an international competition for students of music. During this year the performing a...
DELE exams
Cervantes Institute carried out official examinations to certify the knowledge of Spanish language. Spanish students from Years 9 & 10 sat the DELE exams on the 21st of May. Students hav...
Simon Leigh's workshop at Park Lane
Last week Simon Leigh gave an online talk to our Year 9, 10, and 11 students about the facts and myths of drug usage. Simon spoke from first-hand experience, as a recovering addict and h...
Graduation ceremony
Last Friday, we bade farewell to our Year 13 students at the Graduation ceremony held at the beautiful Martinický Palace near to Prague Castle.
Due to health and safety reasons, ...
It is my greatest pleasure to inform our music community that after 2 years we are back on the stage and will hold our very first concert after the pandemic. We still can't invite all ou...
Chapters Day 2021
Despite all of the challenges involved in running an event powered by student choice and involving up to 18 simultaneous presentations (all whilst maintaining strict social distancing), ...
Work of the month for May
The Work of the Month for May was selected by Mr. Watts. He asked his Year 9 class to produce an online story map showing what India is like now and what it may be like in the future and...
First concert PARKLANIADE after 18 months
After a challenging time during the pandemic, the music department finally hosted our very first concert in a long time. Parklaniade was held in the Valdštejnská Hall and was streamed li...
Staff vs. Leavers Football Challenge
On Wednesday 9th June the staff football team were challenged to a football match with the Year 13 Graduates. The match was played at the Tatran sports complex. The staff arrived at the ...
Duke of Edinburgh expeditions
A huge thank you to all staff who helped on the D of E trips this weekend. Silver and Bronze students arrived home yesterday after completing the Adventurous journey section of their awa...
Learning Without Borders Week 2021
Every year during the last week of the summer term, all Secondary students have the opportunity to take part in something new and exciting: they are offered a wide range of activities in...
School calendar and Holidays
As a preschool delivering the National Curriculum of England, Nessie English Preschool follows a similar aca...
School bus
Park Lane International School can arrange transportation for your child to and from school. Our buses are f...
Admissions at Nessie Preschool
Do you like our school and would you like to register your child with us? Do not hesitate to fill the contact form and we will contact you shortly to arrange a personal meeting with our ...
Prague 5
Nessie English Preschool
Nad Bertramkou 10
150 00 Pra...
Prague 6
Park Lane International School
Norbertov 3
Praha 6 - Stře...
How to register?
Registration Process
Fill in the contact form
Practical info
In the following squares, you can find the basic and practical information about our school, school life and about services we offer to our students. Should you have any questions, do no...
Trip to the Pumpkin Farm
On Wednesday 29th of September our Nursery and Reception children from Nessie and Sibeliova went for a visit to Pumpkin farm. The weather was nice and children enjoyed the lovely morning at the ...
Photos from the Welcome picnic
Last Friday, we welcomed everyone at our first event of the year: the Welcome Picnic. Thank you all for coming to celebrate the start of a new school year with us. We are happy to announ...
Open day
We cordially invite you to come and visit all our school campuses during the scheduled Open Day from 9.00 am till 3.00 pm on the following days:
November 23r...
The police officer visit at Nessie
On Friday 8th of October as a part of the P5 Nessie Wellbeing Day, the children had a visit from a police officer. Police officer Nikola from Prague 5 area took the children out the Fran...
Park Lane Mile at Nessie
On Thursday 7th of October, the boys and girls at Nessie completed the Park Lane Mile. The children’s task was to run the mile at the Mrázovka field where our PE lessons are held. We hav...
Halloween v Nessie
V pátek před pololetními prázdninami se naše Nessie proměnila v děsivou budovu plnou čarodějnic, víl, draků, spidermanů a zombies. Pořádali jsme totiž halloweenskou párty!
Halloween in Nessie
On Friday before our half term holiday break, our Nessie turned into the scary building full of witches, fairies, dragons, spidermen and zombies. We hosted a Halloween party!
Halloween in Nessie
On Friday before our half term holiday break, our Nessie turned into the scary building full of witches, fairies, dragons, spidermen and zombies. We hosted a Halloween party!
Joe Eyles
Originally from Devon and Cornwall, I studied and trained ...
Dawn Warby
My name is Miss Dawn , I am from Cambridgeshire in the UK ...
Denisa Krajsová
Born in South Moravia, my journey of work life started in Brno. After fini...
Jacob Donohoe
Born in the heart of northern England, I completed my bachelors in science...
Gretchen Peterson
I originally come from Wisconsin and bring a unique teaching background to...
Nikola Říhová
I was born and raised in Prague and all through my school ...
Michaela Lopes
My name is Michaela Lopes and even though I have my husban...
Jakub Zalopa
Originally from Poland I completed my Bachelor Degree in C...
Book Fair at Nessie
Despite the current situation, we are very happy that we had the opportunity to host Mrs Markéta with her book fair at our Nessie Preschool. Mrs Markéta chose and brought many lovely, ed...
Book Fair v Nessie
Jsme velmi rádi, že jsme měli možnost přivítat v Nessie paní Markétu a její knižní výstavku. Paní Markéta k nám přivezla mnoho pěkných, naučných a barevně ilustrovaných knížek na různá t...
The dental hygienist at Nessie
On Friday 3rd of December, we invited Ms Kykalová, dental hygienist, to come to our Nessie to show us how to take care of our teeth and gums. She showed us how to use the toothbrush properly and...
Projekt Dětský úsměv
V pátek 3. prosince jsme v Nessie přivítali paní Kykalovou, dentální hygienistku, která nás přišla poučit o tom, jak se správně starat o naše zuby a dásně. Ukázala nám, jak správně použí...
The dental hygienist at Nessie
On Friday 3rd of December, we invited Ms Kykalová, dental hygienist, to come to our Nessie to show us how to take care about our teeth and gums. She showed us how to use the toothbrush p...
St Mikulas
On Monday 6th of December, we welcomed to Nessie our visitors Mikuláš, Čert and Anděl. They came to see our children and find out if they have been kind and gentle during the year. All t...
Mikulášská nadílka
V pondělí 6. prosince naši školku přišel navštívit Mikuláš, Čert a Anděl. Přišli zkontrolovat, zda naše děti byly během roku hodné. Všechny děti byly pilné a chovaly se vzorně. Poté, co ...
Packages for Santa
As Christmas time is approaching, our children prepared some sweet packages for Santa. They were divided into groups, given a bowl which they could fill with sorts of candies and sweets....
Balíčky pro Santu
Jelikož se blíží vánoční čas, rozhodly se naše děti připravit sladké balíčky pro Ježíška/Santu. Byly rozdělené do skupin a každý dostal svou misku, kterou mohl naplnit různými bonbóny a ...
Balíčky pro Santu
Jelikož se blíží vánoční čas, rozhodly se naše děti připravit sladké balíčky pro Ježíška/Santu. Byly rozdělené do skupin a každý dostal svou misku, kterou mohl naplnit různými bonbóny a ...
Christmas holidays
We would like to inform you that from Monday 20th of December until 2nd of January our preschool is closed due to the Christmas holidays.
The Nessie Team wishes you Me...
Vánoční prázdniny
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že od pondělí 20. prosince do 2. ledna je naše školka uzavřena z důvodu vánočních prázdnin.
Tým Nessie vám přeje Veselé Vánoce plné radost...
Teddy Bear Hospital
The students from Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University came to visit the children at Nessie Preschool with their Teddy Bear Hospital! The children had the opportunity to dress up as sur...
Nemocnice pro medvídky
Naši školku přišli navštívit studenti medicíny z 3. lékařské fakulty Karlovy Univerzity se svojí Nemocnicí pro medvídky. Děti měly příležitost se obléct jako lékaři, naučily se, jak se c...
Den otevřených dveří
Srdečně Vás zveme na Park Lane Dny otevřených dveří, během kterých můžete navštívit naše kampusy, prohlédnout si budovy škol, dozvědět se více informací o naší škole a školním programu a...
Superhero workshop
V pátek 28. ledna se všechny třídy Year 1 zúčastnily úžasného workshopu Super Heroes pořádaného Prague Youth Theatre na našem kampusu na Norbertově. Děti se převlékly za svého oblíbeného...
Superhero workshop
On Friday 28th of January, all Year 1 classes attended an amazing Super Heroes Workshop run by Prague Youth Theatre at our Norbertov campus. They dressed up as thei